



In this book, the names of meridian points, classical courses along meridian and graphs related to anatomy all strictly follow the contents concerning text and graphs according to the international and national standard edited by professor WANG Xuetai, lifelong honorary chairman of the World Federation Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), successor of acupuncture topic of World in tangible Cultural Heritage (see list of reference books).


The courses of meridian for those testees (persons being tested) or patients in the clinical treatment are marked and confirmed by the oral description about the numb sensation of the patients and the measurement with instruments. All graphs of epidermal diseases (dermatoses) before and after treatment are real photos, some of which are colored only for distinguished viewing for those black-white photos.


For the Chinese names in the translation into English, all large alphabets are used for family names in order to be not confused and are in front of the name according to the Chinese habit.


In order to save text, for some nouns appearing after the first time in the book or in some chapters, the abbreviation would be used, for example:

中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine):TCM;循经感传(Propagated Sensation along Meridian):PCM;循经经络环形通道(Ring Passage along Meridian):RPM等。

(5)经络一词(meridian and collaterals)在非强调“络”时,只用meridian。另考虑到经络的综合特点,经络没有管道特征,本书未采用英语channel或日语直接记为Jingluo,而采用目前较为普遍使用的meridian。另十四经络中十二经络用meridian,任脉与督脉用Vessel(见字典8.1)。

The vocabulary“meridian and collateral”is often simplified by“meridian”In some books,“channel”and“jingluo”(Japanese used to follow Chinese pronunciation) are used instead of using“meridian”. In this book, popularly, the“meridian”is used. Among the 14 Merdians, 12 of which use“Meridian”. Except for Conception (ren) and Governor (du), the word“Vessel”is used for these two according to the dictionary(8.1).

(6)汉语的4个有关调整、调节、调控、调制词汇,分别对应于regulate adjust、adjustingcontrol、modulation;程序化(routinization“programmlized”)。

In this book four vocabularies are used in different cases owing to not quite the same meaning:regulate, adjust, adjusting-control, modulate. In English no vocabulary“programmlized”exists for Chinese meaning. Thus, only“routinization”is used.


The meridian routes in English sometimes“line”(emphasizes location) or“course”(emphasizes sensation being propagated) is used, but not indentified very strictly. The English marks for all acupuncture points are presented in accordance with Chinese- English dictionary (8.1) and reference book (8.2).


The professional dictionary and reference books:


SHUAI Xuezhong et al. Prefaced by WANG Xuetai: Dictionary of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1997, Hunan Scientific Tecniques Press.


XIE Zhufan et al. Classified Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1994, Peking Unversity Press.


JIN Kuihe et al. The Chinese English Medical Dictionary, 2004, People’s Medical Publishing House.


LI Ding et al., Acupuncture Moxibustion and Acupuncture Points [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1991.


WANG Bing (Tang Dynasty, original notes), translated by WU Liansheng & WU Qi“Yellow Emperor’s Canon Internal Medicine”(Chinese-English dual-languages), China Science & Technology Press, 1997.


The main references of this book refer to the author’s treatises or books: Exploring the Secret of Meridian of TCM (vol 1, 2); The Meridian Phenomena, (vol. 1, 2). Other authors’ book: some books by Heilongjiang and Fujian TCM institutes; The World in Brain written by FU Songtao and QU Shaoyun;researching materials by Tianjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Experimental TCM by TANG Dean; international and domestic published papers; some graphs of real therapeutic sites for patient are quoted from the Album of Chinese Epidermal Diseases edited by ZHU Xuejun, ZHAO Bian, YU Ruiyao, SUN Jianfang, TU Ping etc. published by People’s Medical Publishing House. The graphs of meridian points for modern human body refer to the book The Acupuncture Theory and Points edited by LI Ding (8. 4). Thanks to all the authors.


This book is the researching results by me, cooperating with many colleagues for fifty years more.However, limited by my knowledge, ability and conditions, many precious materials could not be obtained.I am sorry since I am now more than 90 years old, so I really hope to get help from experts of various respects to supply and correct the contents.