第183章 如何明智地在工作中“划水”
The Smart Way to Coast at Work
By Rachel Feintzeig
Everyone needs a breather.
We like to picture our careers as straight, steady lines to the top, each year bringing the satisfied glow from a higher salary, sharper skills, a bigger title.
Then actual life hits. We have babies, or sick parents. We get tired. Companies change, too, freezing head count or cutting back on promotions. Sometimes, the only thing to do is to tread water.
“It doesn't need to be this continuous upward trajectory,“ says Becca Carnahan, a Massachusetts-based coach who counsels midcareer parents. There's a smart way to be on hold, she says, so that you can ramp up again when the moment is right—if you want to.
“职业生涯并不一定要是一个持续上升的轨迹。”马萨诸塞州一名职业咨询师贝卡·卡纳汉(Becca Carnahan)说。她为处于职业生涯中期、已经为人父母的人士提供咨询。她补充说道,有一个聪明的方法可以让你处于暂时不动的状态,这样你就可以在时机成熟时再次加速前进——如果那时你愿意的话。
Start by reminding yourself what you're prioritizing instead of climbing the ladder. Maybe you're choosing stability or your family or health. Focus on what you're adding, not giving up. This can help alleviate the guilt and insecurity.
So much of our success at work is about how we present ourselves—how we sell our ideas, how we support our colleagues, how we raise issues to our bosses. Sharing what you're going through can lead people to see you as likable, as long as you do it the right way. Flick at your struggles as part of a broader, positive story about your learning and growth.
So many of us believe job opportunities are black or white—you either jump at an opening when it comes or never get the chance again. There's an in-between.