2 Terms
2.0.1 Petrochemical plant
Refinery,petrochemical complex,petrochemical fiber plant,etc.,or their integrated complex where petroleum,natural gas,coal-derived syngas and their products are used as feedstocks to produce,store and transport various petrochemical products.
2.0.2 Plant site selection
Properly select an area or a site for plant construction.
2.0.3 General planning
To make an integrated planning to establish appropriate locational relationships among multiple projects of the site as well as collaboration projects of the site,and to make proper route planning for material transportation,based on the natural and social conditions,urban development planning,and the requirements of environmental protection and production safety,for the purpose to improve the integrate performance of the whole project.
2.0.4 Plant layout
To determine the relative relations and the spatial locations between the plant process units and various facilities based on the general planning.
2.0.5 Plant area
The area comprising process units and various facilities in the plant.
2.0.6 Production area
The area comprising process area,tank farm and loading/unloading area and relevant facilities.
2.0.7 Utility facilities
A general term that is used to refer to the facilities providing water,power and steam for the process.
2.0.8 Auxiliary facilities
The type of facility that is other than production and utility facilities but necessary to support the process operation.
2.0.9 Tank farm
An area that comprises several grouped storage tanks,including the associated pump area,power supply system and fire facilities.
2.0.10 Warehouse
The buildings(structures)and laydown areas used to store bulk feedstocks,products,semiproducts and spare parts.
2.0.11 Transportation facility
Dedicated railway,roads,terminals,trestles,and relevant facilities,and loading/unloading machines and tools provided for specific loading/unloading operations and transportation activities.
2.0.12 Administrative facility
The facility provided for plant-wide administration and production control.
2.0.13 Process equipment area
The area in the process unit where equipment and piping are grouped for process operations.
2.0.14 Block
An independent area that is divided by the roads and intended for performing specific functions.
2.0.15 Inter-block corridor
A strip zone located between battery limits or between battery limit and fence,which is used to construct roads,railway,aboveground pipe-racks,underground pipelines,belt conveyer and is intended for landscaping purpose.
2.0.16 Pipelines
A general term for piping fabricated by various materials,power cables,telecom cables and optical fiber cables.
2.0.17 Pipelines coordination
An activity to properly plan and arrange various pipe lines in the inter-block corridor in accordance with relevant specifications.
2.0.18 Interconnecting pipelines
The aboveground pipings,underground pipings and cables that are located between the plant areas in one industrial park or between the plant area and outside fence facilities,and used to convey the feedstocks,products,steam,etc.
2.0.19 Plant road for raw materials and products handling
The road inside the plant that is constructed for the motor vehicles to handle bulk raw materials or products.
2.0.20 Grading plan
Plan to reform the natural terrain of the site,and assign elevations and slopes for the construction site.
2.0.21 Grading plan with slight slope
Reforming the construction site into one or several planar grounds with continuous gradient and slope direction,the planar grounds are gently connected without significant height change.
2.0.22 Grading plan with terrace
Reforming the construction site into two or more terraces in different elevations,two adjacent terraces have an elevation difference,and are joined by slope or retaining wall.
2.0.23 Design water-level
The maximum water level used in design,which is calculated in accordance with flood prevention standard.
2.0.24 Calculated water-level
The design water-level plus water burst height and wave height.
2.0.25 Occupied building
A building housing persons who are regularly assigned there and perform the majority of their job function within the building,and one working day more than 40 personnel-hour.
2.0.26 Potential explosion source
The equipment/facility in a congestion process domain potential release flammable material may rise to vapor cloud explosion(VCE).
2.0.27 Potential toxic source
The equipment/facility that is potential source of releasing toxic materials.