About the Reviewers
Dave Hersey has over 35 years of experience in Apple software development, dating back to the Apple II personal computer in 1977. In 2000, after more than six years in software engineering at Apple, Dave started Paracoders, Inc., focusing on custom Mac OS X-based application and driver development. In 2008, Dave's company expanded into iOS (iPhone) mobile applications, followed by Android applications soon after. Some bigger named clients include Paramount Home Entertainment, Lionsgate Entertainment, Seagate, Creative Labs, and Kraft Foods. Most recently, Dave's business expansion has included additional mobile and server-side platforms as well as support services. As a result, the custom software development division of Paracoders now operates as torchlight apps (http://www.torchlightapps.com).
Dave was also a technical reviewer for Creating Games with cocos2d for iPhone 2 by Packt Publishing, and stays busy with his wife raising 3 children, 3 dogs, 2 parakeets, and about 25 ducks, at the last count.
Chris Sanyk is a life-long videogame enthusiast, whose love affair with gaming started in the early 1980s with the Atari 2600 and the golden age of the arcade. He began designing his first videogame on paper at age six, and has been using GameMaker since 2010. He is an active member of the Cleveland Game Developers, the International Game Developers Association, and is a regular participant in Global Game Jam and Ludum Dare. He blogs and releases his game projects at http://csanyk.com, and his Twitter handle is @csanyk
Chris is the coauthor of Wireless Reconnaissance in Penetration Testing by Matt Neely, Alex Hammerstone, and Chris Sanyk, published by Elsevier Press.