Learning C++ by Creating Games with UE4

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Coding with C++, talks about getting up and running with your first C++ program.

Chapter 2, Variables and Memory, talks about how to create, read, and write variables from computer memory.

Chapter 3, If, Else, and Switch, talks about branching the code: that is, allowing different sections of the code to execute, depending on program conditions.

Chapter 4, Looping, discusses how we repeat a specific section of code as many times as needed.

Chapter 5, Functions and Macros, talks about functions, which are bundles of code that can get called any number of times, as often you wish.

Chapter 6, Objects, Classes, and Inheritance, talks about class definitions and instantiating some objects based on a class definition.

Chapter 7, Dynamic Memory Allocation, discusses heap-allocated objects as well as low-level C and C++ style arrays.

Chapter 8, Actors and Pawns, is the first chapter where we actually delve into UE4 code. We begin by creating a game world to put actors in, and derive an Avatar class from a customized actor.

Chapter 9, Templates and Commonly Used Containers, explores UE4 and the C++ STL family of collections of data, called containers. Often, a programming problem can be simplified many times by selecting the right type of container.

Chapter 10, Inventory System and Pickup Items, discusses the creation of an inventory system with the ability to pick up new items.

Chapter 11, Monsters, teaches how to create monsters that give chase to the player and attack it with weapons.

Chapter 12, Spell Book, teaches how to create and cast spells in our game.