Coordinating with development teams
The costs to mitigate threats and impact overall schedules are the most fundamental reasons for testing early and is often a part of the development cycle. If you are a tester working within a multi-disciplinary team, early and coordinated penetration tests can eliminate flaws and address security concerns long before they are concrete and costly to address. Penetration testing requirements should be part of any verification and a validation test plan. Additionally, development teams should include application security experts throughout the requirement and design phases to ensure that the application is designed with security in mind, a perspective that a web application penetration tester is well-suited to provide.
There are references from organizations such as the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP, https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Testing_Guide_Introduction), SANS (https://www.sans.org), and the US Computer Emergency Response Team (https://www.us-cert.gov/bsi/articles/best-practices/security-testing/adapting-penetration-testing-software-development-purposes) that can be used to help guide the adaptation of penetration testing processes to the company's own development cycle. The value of this early and often strategy should be easy to articulate to the management, but concrete recommendations for the countering of specific web application vulnerabilities and security risks can be found in security reports such as those prepared by WhiteHat Security, Inc. found here (https://info.whitehatsec.com/rs/675-YBI-674/images/WH-2016-Stats-Report-FINAL.pdf) and from major companies such as Verizon, Cisco, Dell, McAfee, and Symantec. It is essential to have corporate sponsorship throughout the development to ensure that cyber security is adequately and continuously considered.