Writing this book has been a privilege and I have thoroughly enjoyed working on the chapters. I am very lucky to have such wonderful friends and family who have provided so much support, endless cups of tea, and prawn sandwiches, without which I would have been unable to complete my part of this endeavor. I would also like to thank YOU for purchasing the book. I sincerely hope you find it as enjoyable and useful to read as it has been to write!
Many other people have also helped in the creation of the book and I am grateful to them all, so here's my attempt at providing acknowledgment where it is rightly due.
First I'd like to thank the good people at Salesforce for providing such an amazing product. Salesforce CRM is so easy and fun to work with and goes from strength to strength with each new release. The amount of innovation, new feature development, and added business value that it offers is simply outstanding.
Next, I would very much like to thank the team at Packt who have successfully orchestrated the completed work. From the time when I was first approached, to the time of editing and coordinating the final reviews, the team has been extremely supportive and highly professional throughout the writing process.
I would like to thank the technical reviewers for their truly valuable contributions and all the many people who have suggested ideas and code recipes. Instead of trying to name them all and risk not mentioning others, I would like to thank in general all the Salesforce employees, professionals, and keen enthusiasts who help make the Salesforce community such a productive and collaborative environment.
If you haven't participated in Salesforce online user communities such as http://success.salesforce.com (where you can collaborate and learn), http://developer.force.com, LinkedIn Salesforce user groups, and Twitter (look out for #askforce and #salesforce), I would strongly recommend them as they are a truly valuable source of information exchange.