The Mono reactive type
A Reactive Streams Publisher with basic Rx operators that completes successfully by emitting an element, or with an error.
– Mono JavaDoc
Mono<T> is a Publisher<T> that supports 0..1 elements.
The definition of Mono is as follows:
public abstract class Mono<T>
extends Object
implements Publisher<T>
As detailed in the documentation, the following figure shows the workings of Mono:
Figure 08: Working of Mono
Mono<Void> should be used for a Publisher that completes with no value. The documentation explains each method and how it works using a marble diagram, which is self-explanatory. Again, this type is also supported by Spring 5 and Spring Security.
JavaDoc for Mono contains more information: https://projectreactor.io/docs/core/release/api/reactor/core/publisher/Mono.html.
Let's have a look at some examples:
- Creating empty Mono:
Mono<String> emptyMono = Mono.empty();
- Creating Mono with a value in it:
Mono<String> itemMono = Mono.just("Spring Security Reactive”);
- Creating Mono that emits an exception:
Mono.error(new CreatedException());