Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE

Named arguments

We can use a named argument to invoke a function and pass the arguments by naming them. Since the arguments are named, the order doesn't need to be maintained.

Let's take a look at the following example. Consider the code for 6f_NamedArguments.kts:

fun welcome(name: String, msg:String = "Hey") {
println("$msg $name")
welcome(msg = "How are you", name = "Mark")

The output is as follows:

We can also mix named arguments with arguments without a name. Consider the code for 6g_NamedArguments.kts:

fun welcome(name: String, msg:String = "Hey") {
println("$msg $name")
welcome("Joseph", msg = "Hi")

The output is as follows:

In this case, we invoked the function with one positional argument with the value Joseph and one argument named msg. When we are dealing with multiple arguments in a method, we can choose to send some arguments positionally by maintaining the order and to send others as named arguments. The language gives us the flexibility to invoke functions with type safety.