About the Reviewers
Jettro Coenradie likes to try out new stuff. That is why he got his motorcycle drivers license. On a motorbike, you tend to explore different routes to get the best out of your bike and have fun while doing the things you need to do, such as going from A to B. When exploring new technologies, he also likes to explore new routes to find better and more interesting ways to accomplish his goal. Jettro rides an all terrain-bike; he does not like riding on the same ground over and over again. The same is valid for his technical interest; he knows about backend (ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Spring Data, and Spring Integration), as well as frontend (AngularJS, Sass, and Less) and mobile development (iOS and Sencha touch).
Henrik Lindström has worked with enterprise search for the last 10 years and the last two years mainly with ElasticSearch. He was one of the founders of 200 OK AB and the Truffler search service that ran on the top of ElasticSearch. In 2013, 200 OK was acquired by EPiServer AB and at that time, he joined EPiServer and is currently working on their cloud services and mainly the search service EPiServer Find. When Henrik isn't coding or spending time with his family, you might find him in the backcountry with skis on his feet during the winter or with a fly rod in his hand in the summer time.
Richard Louapre is a Technical Consultant with 12 years of experience in content management. He is passionate about exploring new IT technologies, particularly in the field of NoSQL, search engine, and MVC JavaScript framework. He applied those concepts in the open source MongoDB River Plugin for ElasticSearch (https://github.com/richardwilly98/elasticsearch-river-mongodb).
Christian Pietsch is a computational linguist with a degree from Saarland University, Germany. His work experience has been mostly research-related. At the Open University, England, he worked as a Java programmer within the Natural Language Generation group. As a Junior Researcher at the Center of Excellence in Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC), Germany, he analyzed linguistic data collections using Python and R, and even tried to build a human-like virtual receptionist with his colleagues.
Currently, at the Library Technology and Knowledge Management (LibTec) department of Bielefeld University Library, Germany, his duties include handling bibliographic metadata and research data. For this, his preferred toolkit is the open source modern Perl framework Catmandu that among other things provides easy-to-use wrappers for document stores and search engines such as ElasticSearch. Refer to http://librecat.org/ for more information about Catmandu.