10 th October
Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,
The trouble with college is that you are expected to know such a lot of things you've never learned. It's very embarrassing at times.But now, when the girls talk about things that I never heard of, I just keep still and look them up in the encyclopedia.
I made an awful mistake the first day. Somebody mentioned Maurice Maeterlinck, and I asked if she was a Freshman.That joke has gone all over college.But anyway, I'm just as bright in class as any of the others-and brighter than some of them!
Sallie McBride helped me choose the things at the Senior auction. She has lived in a house all her life and knows about furnishing.You can't imagine what fun it is to shop and pay with a real five-dollar bill and get some change-when you've never had more than a few cents in your life.I assure you, Daddy dear, I do appreciate that allowance.
Sallie is the most entertaining person in the world-and Julia Rutledge Pendleton the least so. It's queer what a mixture the registrar can make in the matter of room-mates.Sallie thinks everything is funny-even flunking-and Julia is bored at everything.She never makes the slightest effort to be amiable.She believes that if you are a Pendleton, that fact alone admits you to heaven without any further examination.Julia and I were born to be enemies.
And now I suppose you've been waiting very impatiently to hear what I am learning?
I. Latin:Second Punic War.Hannibal and his forces pitched camp at Lake Trasimenus last night.They prepared an ambuscade for the Romans, and a battle took place at the fourth watch this morning.Romans in retreat.
II. French:24 pages of the Three Musketeers and third conjugation, irregular verbs.
III. Geometry:Finished cylinders;now doing cones.
IV. English:Studying exposition.My style improves daily in clearness and brevity.
V. Physiology:Reached the digestive system.Bile and the pancreas next time.
Yours, on the way to being educated, Jerusha Abbott