4.3 Materials of Cladding
Ⅰ Main Item
4.3.1 Categories,performance and specifications of cladding materials shall meet the requirements specified in design documents.
Inspection method:check documents.
4.3.2 Incombustible materials must be used as the cladding on equipment and piping to store or deliver flammable and explosive fluids,and other piping routed on the same support or intersection with such piping.
Inspection method:check document and perform spot examination and test at site.
Ⅱ General Item
4.3.3 Materials of non-metal cladding shall be free from toxicity,softness or crack in normal service conditions.
Inspection method:perform visual examination and check documents.
4.3.4 Cladding shall be water tight,resistant to atmospheric corrosion and chemically stable,and shall not be corrosive to insulation layer and vapor barrier.
Inspection method:check documents.
4.3.5 Sample test shall be made for the adhesive used to wrap non-metal cladding,and test results shall comply with the requirements specified in product specification.
Inspection method:perform field examination and check documents.
4.3.6 Fireproofing performance of coating applied on surface of cladding material shall comply with applicable national codes and standards.
Inspection method:check documents.
4.3.7 Materials used for plastering protective cladding shall comply with the following requirements:
1 Density shall not be larger than 800kg/m3;
2 Compressive strength shall not be less than 0.8MPa;
3 Loss on ignition(including organics and combustibles)shall not be larger than 12%.
Inspection method:check documents and perform spot examination for re-verification.