Joan and Pierre were two little French children. They lived in a small village that had been torn to pieces by the guns of the Great War.
They had not seen each other for a long time. One day they met on the street.
“Oh, Joan! ”said Pierre, “What a beautiful new coat you have. Where did you get it? Did St. Nicholas bring it to you? ”
“Oh, no, Pierre, ”said Joan, “St. Nicholas did not bring it to me. He didn't know where to find me this year, because we are living in a cellar now.
“I am glad you like my coat. I have a new cap, too. It is so nice and warm. And my little sister has some new shoes. We are very happy now. We get good food every day, so that we are never hungry any more.”
“Oh, where do you get the food, Joan? Do tell me, ”said Pierre, “I am hungry now, and I am very cold, too.”
“Come with me, poor little Pierre, ”said Joan, “I will get you food and clothes.”
She took him to the other end of the little torn-up village. There stood a long, low house. They could see it from very far away, as there were no other houses standing on the street. They could see the fluttering of a red, white, and blue flag while they were yet far away.
“Oh, I see the house, ”said Pierre, “It has our flag on top. We must salute it.”
“Oh, no, ”said Joan, “That is not our flag. But we must both salute it. That is the American Flag. It is red, white, and blue like ours. My father says it made him very happy the first time he saw it in the trenches.”
“My father didn't come back from the war, ”said little Pierre.
Soon they reached the long, low house. Then they saw another flag flying. It had a red cross on a field of white.
Joan took Pierre into the house, where he saw piles of hats and coats and shoes.There were some toys, too. Pierre was given nice, warm clothes, a pair of shoes, and a cap. He got some warm food, too.
“I like this house, ”said Pierre, “I think I'll come here every day. I'll bring my little brother, too. What is the name of this house, Joan? ”

“This is the house of the Junior Red Cross, ”said Joan, “The little boys and girls of America send us these things.”
“Hurrah for the Junior Red Cross, ”said Pierre.
(Edna V. Riddleberger)
Word list
village: a small town
trenches: long, narrow holes in the ground
You Practice
A) Answer the following questions.
1) In what country did Joan and Pierre live?
2) Why had Joan and Pierre not seen each other for a long time?
3) Where did Pierre think Joan had gotten her new coat?
4) Where did Joan get her new coat?
5) Why did Pierre want to know where Joan got her coat and food?
B) What's the word? Using the clues, write the correct words from the story.
1) a nationality: F _ _ _ _ _
2) needing food: h _ _ _ _ _
3) not high: l _ _
4) a French boy's name: P _ _ _ _ _
5) an expression of happiness: h _ _ _ _ _
C) True or false? Read these sentences carefully. Write true or false for each one.
1) ______ Joan is Pierre's sister.
2) ______ Pierre has a brother.
3) ______ Joan got her new coat from St. Nicholas.
4) ______ The Red Cross is from France.
5) ______ Pierre likes the Red Cross.