I have been most fortunate to work alongside many talented, skilled, and seasoned professionals over the years. As a work in progress, I continue to acquire valuable skills and knowledge from the thousands of people and dozens of companies, conferences, and organizations with whom and which I work with each year. No one becomes proficient at their craft without help. I am most grateful.
I especially would like to thank the following people for their dedicated, candid, and significant feedback and support through their reviews of the manuscript: Bill Arcudi, Tim Arthur, Judy Maus, Don Norton, and Gary Sutton.
I also would like to thank the following people for their comments, suggestions, and support as the manuscript evolved into the book: JoAnn DeWick, Anthony Gaiter, Julie Griffin, Daun Hugi, Sandy Jenkins, Klint Kneuppel, Mark LaLomia, Dan Lynes, Mike Martin, Janiene Pape, Jim Wooten, and Bob Berry and his staff.
And finally I am grateful to the highly professional staff at Management Concepts for their invaluable support and guidance during the manuscript development, editing, and production. I would especially like to acknowledge the special contributions of Myra Strauss and Jack Knowles.
Thank you all!