Unit 01
Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.
——J.H. Newman纽曼(英国教育家)
abandon /əˈbændən/v.丢弃;放弃,抛弃
例句 We also need to abandon the notion that agriculture can be “zero impact”.
absolute /ˈæbsəluːt/a.绝对的;纯粹的
例句 We have absolute confidence in victory.
absorb /əbˈsɔːb/v.吸收;使专心
同义词 engage v.吸引住;preoccupy v.使全神贯注;immerse v.使沉浸;assimilate v.吸收;
例句 People absorbed in a phone conversation tend to be absent-minded.
abstract /ˈæbstrækt/n.摘要
同义词 brief n.概要;简短声明;summary n.摘要,概要;resume n.摘要;简历
abundant /əˈbʌndənt/a.丰富的;大量的
同义词 ample a.足够的;丰富的;plentiful a.丰富的;富产的
例句 There's abundant evidence that this isn't the case.
abuse /əˈbjuːz/v.滥用;虐待n.滥用
例句 He had dealt with problems ranging from substance abuse to infidelity to domestic violence.
academic /ˌækəˈdemɪk/a.学院的;学术的
academia /ˌækəˈdiːmjə/n.学术界
accelerate /ækˈseləreɪt/v.(使)加快;促进;增加
同义词 promote v.提升;motivate v.刺激;expedite v.加快进展;fuel v.激起;precipitate v.促成;spur v.鼓舞
反义词 decelerate v.降速
例句 Over the course of the next twelve months this trend is likely to accelerate.
access /ˈækses/n.接近;通道,入口
派生词 accessible a.易接近的;可理解的;accessory n.配件;附件
例句 Today's battery breakthroughs come as the world looks to expand modern energy access to the billion or so people without it.
accidental /ˌæksɪˈdentl/a.偶然的;非本质的
形近词 incidental a.附带的;偶发的
accommodate /əˈkɒmədeɪt/v.容纳;供应;调节,适应
派生词 accommodation n.招待;食宿;accommodating a.随和的;乐于助人
例句 They can accommodate students with special needs.
accompany /əˈkʌmpənɪ/v.陪伴,陪同;伴随
例句 The public (including other scientists) receives the new discovery and possibly accompanying technology.
accomplish /əˈkɒmplɪʃ/v.达到(目的);完成
同义词 complete v.完成;fulfill v.完成;履行
例句 He ever felt overwhelmed by all the goals he wanted to accomplish.
accordance /əˈkɔːdəns/n.一致;和谐;授予
形近词 in accordance with根据;与……一致
例句 They operate in accordance with government policies.
accordingly/əˈkɔːdɪŋlɪ/ad v.因此,所以;照着
同义词 therefore; hence; consequently; thus
account /əˈkaʊnt/n.记述;解释;账目
词组 on account记账,赊账;savings account储蓄账户
accumulate /əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt/v.积累;堆积
同义词 accrue v.积累;获得;amass v.积累
反义词 dissipate v.消散;放荡,挥霍;squander v.浪费
例句 After four years an extra 24 hours have accumulated so an extra day is added to the calendar.
accurate /ˈækjʊrɪt/a.准确的,正确无误的
派生词 accuracy n.准确(性);准确度
accustomed /əˈkʌstəmd/a.惯常的;习惯的
例句 Astronomers are accustomed to accessing images of galaxies and stars.
acid /ˈæsɪd/n.酸;酸的,酸性的;讽刺;刻薄的
同义词 acerb a.尖酸的;刻薄的;acrid a.辛辣的;刻薄的;harsh a.苛刻的
acquaint /əˈkweɪnt/v.使熟悉,认识
记忆 acquaint-acquire(吸收)+in(里面)-吸收进来;使熟悉
派生词 acquaintance n.认识;了解;熟人
acquire /əˈkwaɪə/v.取得;获得;学到
词根 -quir-(寻求), require(要求); inquire(询问)
同义词 obtain v.获得,得到;achieve v.获得;实现
例句 Professionals trying to acquire new skills will be able to do so without going into debt.
adapt /əˈdæpt/v.使适应;改编
派生词 adaptable a.能适应的;可修改的;adaptive a.适应的;适配的;adaptor n.适配器;转接器
同义词 adjust v.调整;适应;accommodate v.容纳;使适应
例句 It takes them longer to adapt to the high beach temperature.
addition /əˈdɪʃən/n.加,加法;附加物
同义词 attachment n.附件;appendix n.附属;附加物
派生词 additional a.附加的,追加的;additive n.添加剂
address /əˈdres/n.地址;演说;谈吐v.演讲;从事;处理
例句 The Paris Agreement has been widely hailed as a positive step forward in addressing climate change for all.
adequate /ˈædɪkwɪt/a.足够的;适当的;胜任的
同义词 suitable a.合适的;competent a.能胜任的;appropriate a.合适的;proper合适的;sufficient a.足够的
反义词 inadequate; insufficient
例句 The UK could lose its place among the world leaders in stem cell research unless adequate funding and legislation could be assured.
adjust /əˈdʒʌst/v.调整,调节;校正
同义词 regulate v.调节;控制;coordinate v.调整;协调
例句 A regulatory structure denies management the flexibility to adjust its operations to the new reality.
administration /ədmɪnɪsˈtreɪʃən/n.管理;管理部门admit /ədˈmɪt/v.承认;准许……进入
同义词 sanction v.认可;支持;制裁;acknowledge v.承认;致谢
派生词 admission n.允许进入;承认;admissive a.认可的;容许的
例句 Green admitted causing accidents by reckless driving.
advance /ədˈvɑːns/n.进展;v.前进;提高
派生词 advanced a.尖端的;先进的;晚期的
同义词 proceed v.进行,前进;promote v.促进,推进
例句 Social media as a whole will enable human society to advance at a faster pace.
adventure /ədˈventʃə/n.冒险;惊险活动v.冒险;
advisable /ədˈvaɪzəbl/a.明智的;可取的
affair /əˈfeə/n.事情,事件;事务
词组 business affairs商务;foreign affair外交事务
affect /əˈfekt/v.影响;感动
派生词 affection n.慈爱,爱;爱慕;affectionate a.深情的
例句 Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response.
afford /əˈfɔːd/v.担负得起;提供
aggressive /əˈɡresɪv/a.侵略的;好斗的
例句 It says asserting a direct link between violent media and aggressive behavior.
aircraft /ˈeəkrɑːft/n.飞机,飞行器
alarm /əˈlɑːm/n.惊恐,忧虑;警报
词组 alarming rate惊人的速率;alarming impact令人担忧的影响
alcohol /ˈælkəhɒl/n.酒精,乙醇
记忆 al(adult成人)+cohol(谐音“可喝”)成年人可以喝的,是酒精类饮品;
派生词 alcoholic a.酗酒的
beer 啤酒
champagne 香槟
spirit 白酒
whisky 威士忌
gin 杜松子酒
liquor 烈性酒
wine 葡萄酒
cocktail 鸡尾酒
vodka 伏特加
brandy 白兰地
martini 马蒂尼酒
beverage 饮料
alloy /ˈælɔɪ/n.合金
alphabet /ˈæːlfəbɪt/n.字母表;入门,初步
alter /ˈɔːltə/v.改变,变更;改做
同义词 modify v.修改;vary v.改变
例句 The current division of labor between workers and management will alter.
alternative /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv/n.替换物;取舍,抉择;a.替代性的;选择性的
词组 alternative energy替代能源
例句 Even utility companies, which have long viewed batteries and alternative forms of energy as a threat, are learning to embrace the technologies as enabling rather than disrupting.
altitude /ˈæltɪtjuːd/n.高,高度;海拔
形近词 longitude经度;latitude纬度;attitude态度
aluminium /ˌæljuːˈmɪnjəm/n.铝
形近词 alumni n.校友;illuminate v.照亮
amaze /əˈmeɪz/v.使惊奇,使惊愕
记忆 来自maze(迷宫)
同义词 astonish v.使吃惊;astound v.使震惊
ambulance /ˈæmbjʊləns/n.救护车;野战医院
amuse /əˈmjuːz/v.逗……乐;给……娱乐
记忆 a+muse(缪斯)文艺女神,使人欢乐
同义词 recreate v.娱乐;消遣;divert v.娱乐;使转向;entertain v.娱乐;招待
analyse /ˈænəlaɪz/v.分析,分解,解析
派生词 analysis n.分析,分解,解析;analyst n.分析师
ancestor /ˈænsɪstə/n.祖宗,祖先
形近词 ancient古代的
anchor /ˈæŋkə/n.锚v.抛锚,停泊
记忆 anchor发音近“安客”,锚地停泊,客可安亦;anchor man主持人;中坚;anchor shop精品店
ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/a.古代的,古老的
ankle /ˈæŋkl/n.踝,踝节部
announce /əˈnaʊns/v.宣布,宣告,发表
例句 Ride-hailing business Uber has announced a deal with scooter hire company Lime.
annoy /əˈnɔɪ/v.使恼怒;打搅
记忆 发音近似“恶恼”,让人厌恶和恼怒
同义词 irritate v.激怒
派生词 annoyed恼怒的;郁闷的;annoyance n.烦恼;打扰