Day 1
Cell phone:advantages and disadvantages
Television:advantages and disadvantages
Cell phone:necessity or not
Cell phones in classrooms
Communication via e-mail vs.face-to-face communication
Technological impact on readinghabit
Paper book vs.audio book
Modern way of shopping vs.traditional way of shopping
Advertisement for junk food
Computer games
E-mail vs.telephone
Online information vs.printed information
Computer:advantages and disadvantages
Learning online vs.learning in classrooms
Watching news vs.reading news
Cell phone: advantages and disadvantages
• 沟通更方便
Communication is easier than ever
• 娱乐功能
• 使人们疏远
Create distance among people
• 侵犯隐私
Violate people’s privacy
List the advantages and disadvantages of using a cell phone.Explain your reasons.
• 1.Communication becomes easier than ever
Before the invention of cell phone,people had to find a telephone booth and use an IC card.Now we can send text messages,and make phone calls or face time calls whenever we want.
• 2.Entertainment function
We use the camera on our phones to take selfies when we look pretty,play Tetris on our phones when waiting for someone and listen to music on our phones while walking or riding the bus.There are plenty of new ways to kill time now.
• 1.Create distance between people
Many people would rather scan their social network page than talk to the people sitting next to them.Many parents have to friend their children on Wechat in order to talk with them.
• 2.Violate people’s privacy
In some cases our cell phones can work as electronic dog chains for those who try to control us.Even if people come up with little white lies like“I didn’t hear it ring”or“I didn’t notice my phone had shut off”,they can still be globally positioned by those with ulterior purposes.
Television: advantages and disadvantages
• 传播信息、知识
Disseminate information and knowledge
• 娱乐功能
• 毒害青少年
Poison teenagers’minds
• 导致健康恶化
Major cause for health problems
What’s your opinion about the role TV plays in our lives?Do you think TV has in general improved or lowered our quality of life?Why?
opinion reasons
• Has positive influence on our life
1.Still one of the most effective ways to disseminate information and knowledge.We can watch news programs or educational channels to stay updated.
2.Entertainment function
Watching television is a good way to take our minds off the stress at work or school.Also,if it weren’t for televisions,a lot of housewives would be bored out of their minds.
opinion reasons
• Has negative influence on our life
• 1.Poison teenagers’minds
Commercials for junk food mess with their judgment of what’s good for their health.Some programs also contain age-inappropriate image or violence.
• 2.Major cause for the health problems of city dwellers
The more time people spend sitting on the couc h like sacks of potatoes,the less time they get to spend engaging in physical exercise.The radiation from the screen is also harmful to their eyes.
Cell phone:necessity or not
• 消磨时间的好方法
Good way to kill time
• 应急
Useful in the case of emergency
• 改善人际关系
Improve interpersonal relationships
• 私人空间
Personal space(especially for celebrities)
Some people consider their cell phone a life necessity and take it with them wherever they go.Others deliberately leave their phones at home from time to time.Which do you prefer and why?
preference reasons
• Take my cell phone with me all the time
• 1.Good way to kill time
Every day I have a lot of time to kill,for instance when I’m on the bus or waiting for an elevator.
• 2.Useful in the case of emergency
Children should have cell phones so that they can reach their parents,in case of emergencies,for instance when they get mugged or hit by a car.
preference reasons
• Leave my cell phone from time to time
• 1.Improve interpersonal relationships
At some social gatherings,a lot of people would rather stare at their phones,scanning their virtual social network than talking to the people sitting next to them.
• 2.have more personal space
Sometimes a cell phone functions as an electronic dog chain. My mom can use it to check on me all the time.It’s suffocating to have no personal space and no privacy.
Cell phones in classrooms
• 让人分心
Distracting both for oneself and for others
• 对教授不礼貌
Disrespectful to the professor
• 有紧急情况时不方便
Cause inconvenience in case of emergencies
• 上课时手机没地方放
Nowhere to leave the phone when class begins
Do you think students should be allowed to bring cell phones into the classrooms?Why?
opinion reasons
• Agree
• 1.Cell phones are distracting
If the students check their social network status or play games during class,they will miss important information in class.The ringtones and vibrations may also break other students’train of thoughts.
• 2.Disrespectful to professor
If a student answers a phone call during class and just starts chatting,it’s really rude and impolite because it indicates you don’t value the work of your professor nor care about anyone who’s sitting next to you.
opinion reasons
• Disagree
• 1.Inconvenient in case of emergencies
If an emergency happened at home and your parents want to reach you,they’d have to call somebody else to reach you.
• 2.Nowhere to leave the phone during classes
No cell phone in classrooms basically means students can’t bring their cell phones to school at all.Maybe it just takes a little bit of trust.Students can shut off their phones during classes.
Communication via e-mail vs.face-to-face communication
• 环保
• 方便
• 更好理解
Better understanding
• 更及时
More time-efficient
When you need to communicate with a teacher,perhaps to ask a question,do you send an e-mail or ask the question in person?Why?
preference reasons
• Send emails
• 1.Eco-friendly
Because I don’t have to go all the way to the teacher’s office I can reduce the amount of pollution caused by burning fuel.
• 2.Convenient
We may have to make an appointment first if we go to the teacher’s office.And after classes teachers are always in a hurry to the next class.So there’s hardly any chance.But with emails all we need to do is sit at home,type a few words and click send.
preference reasons
• Ask in person
• 1.Gain better understanding The language people use in emails is normally more formal than that in daily life.So it may end up triggering more questions.
• 2.More time-efficient Not everybody checks their email every day.And certainly not everyone replies their emails as soon as they receive them.This especially goes for teachers who are busy during the day.
Technological impact on reading habit
• 更方便
• 更多书籍渠道
More access to books
• 不需要
No need
• 没时间
Less time
How do you think technology will affect people’s reading habits?
Explain with reasons.
opinion reasons
• Read more
• 1.Convenient
Electronic products like the iPhone or iPad have made it increasingly convenient for us to read,whether we are on the subway or the toilet.
• 2.More access to books
Besides purchasing books in traditional book stores,people can also download e-books online.Maybe in the future people will be able to buy a single chip that contains the entire collection of human civilization.
opinion reasons
• Read less
• 1.No more need to
With so many read books‘intelligent’products being invented,there will be basically no need for us to read anymore,like the sound guide in the science-fiction animation Wall-E.
• 2.Less time
People’s time and attention are broken into pieces by those ‘chicken soup’articles on Wechat and funny video clips on the Internet.They will devote less time on long and boring books.
Paper book vs.audio book
• 环保Eco-friendly
• 省钱Economical
• 便携Portable
• 保护视力Protect your eyes
• 做笔记Take notes
• 更习惯More accustomed to
Some people like to read paper books,others like to listen to audio books.Which do you prefer?Why?
preference reasons
• Audio books
• 1.Audio books are eco-friendly
To make paper books,a lot of trees have to be cut down.Trees contribute to a better environment.
• 2.Audio books are economical
A typical paper book costs around 30 Yuan.
Many audio books are free and accessible online
• 3.Audio books are easy to carry
Any electronic device can be used for audio books,like your mp3 player and your cell phone.They can fit in your pocket.
preference reasons
• Paper books
• 1.We can take notes on paper books
We can jot down our thoughts in the margins while reading or highlight a specific passage.
• 2.We are more accustomed to reading paper books
We are used to getting knowledge whih our eyes.Words on paper don’t disappear into the air like words uttered in an audio book.
Modern way of shopping vs.traditional way of shopping
• 更方便
More convenient
• 多样的选择范围
Extensive selection
• 试穿
Try Products like clothes on
• 不错的运动
Good exercise
Nowadays more and more people are shopping on e-commerce websites like Ebay or Taobao.Do you prefer to shop online or in the actual stores?Why?
preference reasons
• Shop on the Internet
• 1.More convenient
We don’t have to waste time on the way to a store.All we need to do is browse a few webpages and add our selections to the‘cart’.
• 2.Extensive selection
Some exotic items aren’t always available in actual stores.We can buy goods from all over the world on the Internet.
preference reasons
• Shop in stores
• 1.We can try products like clothes on
Sometimes the clothes we order online aren’t the way we imagined them.If we go to actual stores we can try them on and see if the color suits complexion.
• 2.Walking is good exercise
Because of technology people spend too much time indoor.It’s beneficial to go walking to a store once in a while.
Advertisement for junk food
• 广告内容失实
Ads send out biased message
• 小孩子缺少批判思维
Children lack critical thinking
• 吃快餐是对快节奏都市生活的适应
Eating fast food is an adoptation to the fast-paced city life
• 最终决定权在家长手上
Decision lies in parents hands
Do you agree that advertisements for junk food shouldn’t be shown to children?Why?
opinion reasons&details
• Agree
• 1.Advertisements send out biased message
They exaggerate how good the taste is and tout the supposed health benefits but overlook the negative effects.Some candies are tagged as containing vitamins but never mentioned the amount of sugar isnot mentioned those candies.
• 2.Children usually lack critical thinking ability.
Children want to buy whatever attracts them or whatever other children have.They don’t think about the bad consequences.That poses a dilemma for parents.
opinion reasons&details
• Disagree
• 1.Eating fast food is an adaptation to the fast-paced city life.
It’s much faster to pick up a burger for the kids than prepare a meal in the kitchen,especially for someone who is not good at cooking. Fast food saves parents the trouble of grocery shopping and
washing dishes.
• 2.Decision’s up to parents.
It’s the businessmen’s job to promote products.But the decision about buying them or not lies with the parents.It’s unrealistic to shut down all the candy factories.
Computer games
• 获得成就感
Gain a sense of accomplishment
• 释放压力
Release stress
• 影响学习
Affect school work in a negative way
• 不利健康
Harmful to health
• 包含暴力
Contain violence
List the advantages and disadvantages for young children to play computer games.Include specific reasons and details in your answer.
• 1.Gain a sense of accomplishment
In role-playing games like the Super Mario,children get to play heroes and save the day.By upgrading to the next level and completing the tasks they get a sense of accomplishment.
• 2.Good way to release stress
High school students are often crammed with classes and homework.Playing games can help to take their minds off the stressful competition at school.
• 1.Affect school work in a negative way
Students may get addicted to the game and neglect their schoolwork.For instance my brother got addicted to the WOW and stayed up all night playing the game.
• 2.Harmful to health
The more time you spend sitting in front of the computer,the less time you spend doing exercise.Also,the radiation from the computer screen may cause myopia and it’s too much pressure on you spine to sit still for a long time.
E-mail vs.telephone
• 感觉更私人
Feels more personal
• 得到即时回复
Get instant response
• 联系到更多人
Reach more people
• 省钱
• 更灵活
More flexible
When you want to talk to your family members or friends,do you prefer to use the telephone or e-mail?Why?
preference reasons
• Telephone
• 1.It feels more personal to call somebody on the phone
Most of the time we make phone calls to family or friends just for a chat,writing an e-mail would be too formal.Also we can hear their voice through the phone and therefore detect their emotions in their voices
• 2.Get instant response
People don’t check theire mail box every minute.
• 3.Reach more people
My grandparents don’t use computers,but everyone uses phones.
preference reasons
• 1.Economical
You don’t have to pay the phone bills.
• 2.More flexible
You can send emails to others whenever you want,no matter if it’s in late at night or during a meeting.It also emailing gives you more time to think about what you want to say.
Online information vs.printed information
• 更方便
More convenient
• 更环保
More eco-friendly
• 信息量更大
Massive amount of information
• 可信度更高
More reliable
• 方便做笔记
Easier to take notes on papers
When people get stumped,some search the Internet looking for solutions,others go to the library and find the answer in books. Which do you think is better?Why?
preference reasons
• From the Internet
• 1.More convenient
We won’t have to go to the library and check out the books. With the internet connection and a laptop,all we need is to type the keywords to the search box and press enter.
• 2.More eco-friendly
We can save a bunch of trees that are used to make papers.
preference reasons
• From printed material
• 1.Information provided in printed material is normally more reliable
They get proofread thoroughly before publication.But anyone can post on the internet.
• 2.Easier to take notes on paper
When using printed material we can highlight or underline the parts of the book we think art important.
Computer: advantages and disadvantages
• 提高工作效率
Improve work efficiency
• 让生活更加便利
Make life more convenient
• 让青少年分心或上瘾
Distraction and possible addiction for teens
• 导致健康恶化
Major cause for health problems
How do you think computers have changed people’s life?Include specific details.
opinion reasons
• Computers have positive influence on people’s life
• 1.Improve work efficiency
Computers free us from trivial and repetitive work.For example,using Microsoft Word to process documents,we don’t have to check for spelling and grammar mistakes ourselves anymore.
• 2.Make life more convenient
Together with the Internet,computers enable us to achieve basically everything without walking out the door.We can socialize online,shop online,study online and even work online.
opinion reasons
• Computers have brought problems
• 1.Distraction and possible addiction for teens
Computers are the biggest distraction from important things in life,like a student’s schoolwork and their personal growth.
• 2.Major cause for health problems
People over-rely on computers and spend too much time indoor now.Some become overweight because of their lack of exercise,others have problems with their neck,back or spine.
Learning online vs.learning in classrooms
• 更方便
More convenient
• 时间更灵活
More flexible schedule
• 教室里的氛围
Atmosphere in the classroom
• 和同学讨论
Able to discuss with classmates
Nowadays many universities like Stanford are offering online courses.Some people think this is a good way to receive further education.Others still prefer to go the actual classrooms.Which one do you think is better?Why?
opinion reasons
• Learn through online courses
• 1.More convenient
We don’t have to commute to school every day and will save a lot of time.
• 2.More flexible schedule
We can arrange our study time to fit our own schedule.Also,we can pause or repeat the lecture when we need to.
opinion reasons
• Attend actual classes
1.Classrooms have a certain atmosphere that enables us to understand better.According to scientists,with face-to-face communication we get 60%of the information we get aren’t through the hon-verbal signs.
2.We can discuss problems with classmates
Discussions provide us with better understanding and leave a stronger impression.
Watching news vs.reading news
• 绚丽的影音效果
Dazzling audio-visual effects
• 更可靠
Much more reliable
• 更及时
More up-to-date
• 更方便
More convenient to read
Some people like to watch news on TV,others like to read news in the newspaper or on the Internet.Which do you prefer?Why?
preference reasons
• Watching news
• 1.Dazzling audio-visual effects
News on television can provide me with more details about what happened.Usually in the video,I can see the scene and become one of the witnesses.
• 2.More reliable
I can get more objective information.Since the news articles in the Chinese newspaper are edited or censored,some important information may be omitted.
preference reasons
• Reading news
• 1.More up-to-date
News on the internet updates every second,much faster than news on TV.
• 2.More convenient
With the widespread usr of smart phones,we can have instant news updates at the tips of our fingers.We can read news riding the subway,during class intervals,well,almost wherever and whenever we want.