Classifications of Cultures
Good morning, everyone. Today we’ll look at culture, or rather, classifications of cultures. Usually when we deal with different people, we deal with them as if we were all members of the same culture. However, it’s possible that people from different cultures have different assumptions about the world, regarding such important and basic ideas as time, personal space. And this is the view of Edward Hall. And Edward Hall is an anthropologist who spent a large part of his life studying American Indians, their culture, their language, but he was different from a lot of other anthropologists who just study one culture. He was interested in the relations between cultures, how cultures interact. What Hall believes is that cultures can be classified by placing them on a continuum, ranging from what he called high-context to low-context.
OK, what is a high-context culture? [1] A high-context culture is a culture in which the context of the message or the action or an event carries a large part of its meaning and significance. [2] What this means is that in a high-context culture more attention is paid to what’s happening in and around the message than to the message itself. Now let me give you examples. [3] First, in terms of personal space, generally speaking, in a high-context culture, because there’s a greater dependency on group thinking, people lean towards heavier sensory involvement or closeness to people. [4] And they have less respect for privacy, for personal space. If you go into that culture, people might stand closer when they’re talking to you. They might touch more and if they’re jostled in a crowd, they won’t feel violated. [5] And also people from a high-context culture pay attention to body language. Because, remember what I said, the definition of a high-context culture is that more attention is paid to the context of the message than to the message itself, and part of the context is body language. [6] Second, in terms of time, people in high-context cultures are considered to have what is called a polychronic attitude toward time. Here, “poly”means multiple and“chronic”means time. What this means is that they believe people, things, events have their own time and there can’t be a standard system of time for everything. What this leads them to believe is that you can’t emphasize punctuality. Things happen when they are supposed to happen. So there’s a different attitude toward time. [7] There is no set standard of time. You can’t control time. Everything has its own sense of time. So it’s a culture that pays little attention to time, to clock time.
Now, let’s move on to low-context culture. A low-context culture is just the opposite. A low-context culture is one in which the message, the event or the action is a separate entity, having meaning onto itself, regardless of the surroundings or the context; [8] that the message, the event, the action has meaning in itself. So what this means in a low-context culture is that people pay more attention to the event itself rather than to the context which surrounds the event or the message. [9] For example, in terms of personal space again, there’s more emphasis on individuality, so the concept of privacy is very very important whereas, before as I said, in a high-context culture, they might not even be concerned with privacy or personal space. But in a low-context culture, there’s a feeling that we each have our own personal space. If you get too close, if you don’t knock on doors before entering, that’s an invasion of privacy; people feel violated. [9] There’s a respect and a desire for privacy, and you also see that people might pay less attention to body language because, as I said, the message is...the message is everything. They are not going to worry about all the details around it. [10] What you say is the important thing or what you do is the important thing. [11] Another example of a low-context culture is people’s attitude towards time. In terms of time, I said before there was a polychronic sense of time in a high-context culture. [12] What do you think there would be in a low-context culture? Monochronic! Right! A monochronic sense of time and by that we mean that there is one time. And that concept means that people in a low-context culture believe that there’s one standard of time and that should be for everything. And so I’m not willing to hear“Oh, the traffic was heavy. That’s why I am late.”or“Oh, I slept late.”[13]People in a low-context culture would be much more upset with lateness because they feel that everyone should follow the same time; there shouldn’t be all this flexibility with time and they expect punctuality. And they look at time as almost a commodity that they use expressions like“use time”, “to waste time”, “to spend time”or“time is money”. All of these expressions reinforce the concept that time is actually something you can hold onto.
So what this is all about is that Hall stresses that people need to be aware of these different assumptions or concepts about reality. [14] And he thinks that this has all kinds of relevance no matter what you’re doing, if you’re in business, negotiations, interpersonal relations, if you’re dealing with people from different cultures in any way, it’s going to affect every part of your life. [15] In any multicultural situation, these assumptions need to be taken into account for successful interactions.
OK, today we’ve taken a brief look at Edward Hall’s view of culture, mainly his classification of high-or low-context culture with some examples. Next week, we’ll look at some more examples of cultures on the continuum between high-context and low-context cultures.
The view of Edward Hall: people from different cultures have different assumptions about the world
Hall was interested in the relations between cultures: high-context and low-context
I.High-context culture:
1) definition the context carries a large part of meaning and significance; more attention is paid to what’s happening in and around the message than to the message itself
2) examples
①personal space
—people lean towards heavier sensory involvement or closeness to people
—less respect for privacy or personal space
—pay attention to body language
—polychronic attitude toward time
—can’t emphasize punctuality
—no set standard of time
—can’t control time
II.Low-context culture
1) definition the message, the event or the action is a separate entity, having meaning onto itself, regardless of the surroundings or the context; pay more attention to the event rather than to the context
2) examples
①personal space
—emphasis on individuality
—the concept of privacy is quite important
—respect and desire for privacy
—pay less attention to body language
—what you say or what you do is important
—people’s attitude towards time: monochronic
—there’s one standard of time
—upset with lateness
—look at time as almost a commodity
III.Conclusion: people need to be aware of these different assumptions or concepts about reality.
1. [答案] in context
[考点] 本题出题点在定义处
[精析] 题干中列举了强语境文化的两个特征,已经给出了特征之一,即语境比信息更重要(context: more important than the message),本题问的是强语境文化的另一个特征。讲座中提到A high-context culture is a culture in which the context...carries a large part of its meaning and significance. 即强语境文化中,语境承载着大部分含义,故得答案in context。
2. [答案] the context
[考点] 本题出题点在定义处
[精析] 题干问强语境文化的特征是更加注重______而不是信息本身。讲座中提到...in a high-context culture more attention is paid to what’s happening in and around the message than to the message itself,因此,可得答案what’s happening in and around the message,因答案不得超过三个单词,所以概括为the context。
3. [答案] heavier sensory involvement/closeness to people
[考点] 本题出题点在举例处
[精析] 此处以强语境文化中的个人空间为例,问人们倾向于喜欢什么。讲座中提到people lean towards heavier sensory involvement or closeness to people(人们倾向于更多的感官接触或与人亲近),故得答案heavier sensory involvement或closeness to people。题干中的preference for与讲座中的lean towards属于同义转述。
4. [答案] privacy/personal space
[考点] 本题出题点在举例处
[精析] 讲座中提到they have less respect for privacy, for personal space(强语境文化不太尊重隐私和个人空间)。故得答案privacy或personal space。
5. [答案] body language
[考点] 本题出题点在举例处
[精析] 题干问在强语境文化中,对于个人空间,人们关注什么。讲座中提到people from a high-context culture pay attention to body language(来自强语境文化的人们关注肢体语言),故得答案body language。
6. [答案] polychronic
[考点] 本题出题点在专有名词处
[精析] 题干问在强语境文化中,人们有怎样的时间观念。讲座中提到people in high-context cultures are considered to have what is called a polychronic attitude toward time(强语境文化中的人们对待时间的态度被认为是多元化的),故得答案polychronic。
7. [答案] over time
[考点] 本题出题点在否定处
[精析] 题干问强语境文化中的人们无法控制什么。讲座中提到There is no set standard of time. You can’t control time.(强语境文化中没有固定的时间标准,你无法控制时间。)故得答案over time。
8. [答案] in meaning itself
[考点] 本题出题点在定义处
[精析] 题干已指出弱语境文化的特征之一是信息与语境是分开的(message: separate from context),这里问另一个特征是什么。讲座中提到that the message, the event, the action has meaning in itself(信息、事件、行为本身就有意义),故得答案in meaning itself。
9. [答案] individuality/privacy
[考点] 本题出题点在举例处
[精析] 题干问在弱语境文化中,关于个人空间,人们渴望或尊重什么。讲座中提到there’s more emphasis on individuality, so the concept of privacy is very very important...There’s a respect and a desire for privacy(更重视个性化,所以隐私的概念非常重要……尊重和渴望隐私)。故得答案individuality或privacy。
10. [答案] words or actions
[考点] 本题出题点在主语从句处
[精析] 题干问弱语境文化中的人们更关注什么。讲座中提到What you say is the important thing or what you do is the important thing. 即人们认为说的话和做的事才重要。what you say和what you do可概括为words or actions。
11. [答案] attitude toward time
[考点] 本题出题点在归纳处
[精析] 题干涉及在弱语境文化中举的两个方面的例子。一方面是个人空间,此处问另一方面是什么?讲座中提到Another example of a low-context culture is people’s attitude towards time. 故得答案attitude toward time。
12. [答案] monochronic
[考点] 本题出题点在专有名词处
[精析] 题干以对待时间的态度为例,问弱语境文化中人们的时间观念是怎样的。讲座中直接给出了答案monochronic,即有统一的时间观念。
13. [答案] lateness
[考点] 本题出题点在举例处
[精析] 题干问弱语境文化中的人们不喜欢什么。讲座中提到People in a low-context culture would be much more upset with lateness(弱语境文化中的人们很不喜欢迟到),故得答案lateness。讲座中的be much more upset with与题干中的dislike of属于同义转述。
14. [答案] work and life
[考点] 本题出题点在总结概括处
[精析] 题干问意识到不同文化中约定俗成的观念关系到_______?讲座中提到各种各样的相关性,不管你在做什么,无论你是在商业谈判中、人际关系中,也无论你以任何方式来应对来自不同文化背景的人,它都会影响你生活中的每一部分。总结得出答案work and life。
15. [答案] importance
[考点] 本题出题点在结尾建议处
[精析] 题干问意识到不同文化中约定俗成的观念对成功交流很______。讲座中提到在任何多元文化环境中,为了达到成功交流的目的,都需要考虑不同文化中约定俗成的观念,可见这对成功交流很重要,故得答案importance。
(I=Interviewer; H=Dr. Harley)
I:Good morning, Dr. Harley. Thank you very much for coming on our radio talk. [1] We know that you are an applied linguist specializing in second language acquisition.
I:[1]So, today, um...we’ll look at this issue. Now, first, Dr. Harley, could you please tell us what is second language acquisition?
H:Well, second language acquisition is“happens when a child or adult has already become competent at a language, and then, um...they attempt to learn another.”
I:OK, most people think, including me, it is difficult to learn another language. What are the reasons? Why is it so?
H:Well, there are a number of reasons for this. [2] Um...first, there have been research studies. They have shown that some aspects of language learning, especially syntax, are more difficult beyond a certain age, say, after around 12 years of age.
I:So, age plays an important role in language learning?
H:Yes. But that’s not the only reason.
I:Oh, is that so?
H:Yes. For example, um...time and interest. Old children and adults often have less time and motivation to learn a second language.
H:Another is related to the similarities and differences between one’s mother tongue and the second language. We find that learners will experience difficulty when their mother tongue and the second language they are learning differ. In general, the more idiosyncratic a feature is in a particular language relative to other languages, the more difficult it will be to acquire.
I:Perhaps this is the key issue. Differences between languages cause language learning problems.
H:[3]Well, this may be one of the issues here, but this cannot be the whole story, as not all differences between languages cause difficulty. Let me give you an example.
H:[3]Research has found that many errors by Czech speakers learning English were made on syntactic constructions in which the two languages do not differ.
I:[4]Oh, really? The picture is more complicated than we’ve imaged.
H:Definitely yes. Each language learning situation is different, so reasons vary a lot from case to case.
I:Now, Dr. Harley, since learning a second language is a difficult process, you know, in one way or another, are there any methods, so far, effective methods to teach a second language?
H:There again. No method is absolutely effective in all situations. Some may prove effective; others may not. I mean, all depending on specific conditions. But generally speaking, there are a number of methods that have been used to teach a second language.
I:Could you mention a few?
H:[5]For instance, there is the traditional method. This method is based on translation from one language to another and it emphasizes grammar teaching.
H:And then you have direct methods, which focuses on conversational skills and all teaching must be carried out in the second language.
I:Oh, I see. Any other methods?
H:Yes. For example, the audiolingual method. This method emphasizes speaking and listening before reading and writing.
1. What is the topic of the interview?
A. Mother tongue.
B. Second language acquisition.
C. Similarities between languages.
D. Language competence.
2. According to Dr. Harley, what makes language learning more difficult after a certain age?
A. Differences between two languages.
B. Declining capacity to learn syntax.
C. Lack of time available.
D. Absence of motivation.
3. What does the example of Czech speakers show?
A. It’s natural for language learners to make errors.
B. Differences between languages cause difficulty.
C. There exist differences between English and Czech.
D. Difficulty stems from either differences or similarities.
4. How does the interviewer feel about second language learning?
A. Complicated.
B. Confused.
C. Frustrated.
D. Bored.
5. What is the characteristic of traditional method?
A. It emphasizes speaking.
B. It focuses on conversational skills.
C. It emphasizes grammar teaching.
D. It focuses on reading.
1. [答案] B
[考点] 本题考查对话主题
[精析] 题干问:这段采访的主题是什么。主持人第二次发言时指出So, today, um...we’ll look at this issue. 而this issue指的是主持人第一次发言时提到的second language acquisition,故选B。
2. [答案] B
[考点] 本题的出题点在举例列举处(first)
[精析] 题干问:根据哈利博士所说,过了一定年龄后,什么使学习第二语言更加困难?主持人询问哈利博士为什么学习第二语言很困难,哈利博士给出了几点原因。first引出了第一个原因,即“……在语言学习的某些方面时,尤其是学习句法,过了某一年龄后就更加困难,大概是12岁之后”。由此可知,在一定年龄后学习语言更加困难是因为学习句法的能力下降,故选B。
3. [答案] D
[考点] 本题出题点在举例处(Let me give you an example)
[精析] 题干问:举捷克人学英语的例子是为了说明什么?主持人说:“语言之间的不同导致了语言学习的问题。”哈利博士则回答说:“这可能是其中的一个原因。”之后他用but引出:“并非语言间的不同都会导致语言学习困难”,接着他以捷克人学英语时常在句法结构上出错来论证这一观点,并指出英语和捷克语在句法结构上没有区别。由此可知,语言间的相似性也会导致语言学习的困难,故选D。
4. [答案] A
[考点] 本题出题点在比较级处
[精析] 题干问:主持人对第二语言学习有什么感受?对话中哈利博士说Research has found that many errors by Czech speakers learning English were made on syntactic constructions in which the two languages do not differ. 主持人回应说Oh, really? The picture is more complicated than we’ve imaged. 由此可知,主持人认为学习第二语言很复杂,故选A。
5. [答案] C
[考点] 本题的出题点在举例处(For instance)
[精析] 题干问:传统方法的特点是什么?哈利博士介绍了学习第二语言的几种方法,其中,第一种方法是传统方法,“这种方法的基础是将一种语言翻译为另一种语言,并且强调语法教学”。故选C。
(I=Interviewer; H=Dr. Harley)
I:How interesting!
H:Then you have the immersion method. This method teaches learners exclusively through the medium of the second language.
H:Well, it simply means that you cannot speak mother tongue. Everything must be done in the language you are learning. [6] To me, the most natural method of learning a new language is what I call submersion. That is, to go to that country and be surrounded exclusively by speakers of that language.
I:Thank you very much, Dr. Harley, for introducing some of the language teaching methods. Now let’s move on to something a bit theoretical. Since second language acquisition and teaching are a fascinating area for researchers, are there any theories to explain second language acquisition?
H:Yes, many theories and models have been put forward by researchers so far. [7] Today, I’d like to mention the five hypotheses proposed by Stephen Krashen.
H:The five hypotheses form what he calls the monitor model of second language learning.
I:What does it mean?
H:OK. The first hypothesis is the acquisition and learning distinction hypothesis. According to Krashen, children acquire their first language largely unconsciously and automatically, [8] but adults could only learn a second language consciously and effortfully. And adults could indeed acquire the second language, at least in part.
I:Right. Then what’s his second hypothesis?
H:His second hypothesis is the natural order in acquisition hypothesis. Basically, he means that the ordering which learners acquire syntactic rules is the same in both languages.
I:Oh, that’s something really new to me.
H:[9]The third hypothesis is the monitor hypothesis, which is central to his theory. Here again, we come across the distinction between acquisition and learning. According to this hypothesis, the acquisition processes create sentences in the second language, right? But learning enables the development of a monitoring process to check and edit this output. The monitor uses knowledge of the rules. That’s why, as I said just now, learning is a conscious process.
I:[9]This means, in learning, you use knowledge of the language to make sure what you say or write is correct. Is that so?
H:Yes. His fourth hypothesis is the comprehensible input hypothesis. In order to move from one stage to the next, the learner must understand the meaning and the form of the input. This emphasizes the role of comprehension. And finally, the active filter hypothesis. This suggests attitude and emotional factors are also important in second language acquisition.
I:I guess Krashen’s model has provided a useful framework for second language learning.
H:Yes, it indeed has and it has also proved to be one of the most influential theoretical approaches to teaching a second language.
I:OK, Dr. Harley, thank you once again for talking to us about second language acquisition.
6. Why is submersion the most natural method of learning a new language?
A. Because it emphasizes language environment.
B. Because it is suggested by Dr. Harley.
C. Because it can handle all learning problems.
D. Because it is discussed in details.
7. Who proposed the five hypotheses?
A. Dr. Harley.
B. Stephen Hawking.
C. Stephen Krashen.
D. Albert Einstein.
8. How could the adults learn a second language?
A. Unconsciously and automatically.
B. Consciously and effortfully.
C. Unconsciously and effortfully.
D. Consciously and automatically.
9. Which hypothesis deals with the role of language knowledge in the learning process?
A. The acquisition and learning distinction hypothesis.
B. The comprehensible input hypothesis.
C. The monitor hypothesis.
D. The active filter hypothesis.
10. Which of the following topics is NOT discussed during the interview?
A. Causes of language learning difficulties.
B. Differences between mother tongue and a second language.
C. Theoretical conceptua-lization of second language learning.
D. Pedagogical implemen-tation of second language teaching.
6. [答案] A
[考点] 本题考查对对话重要细节的理解
[精析] 题干问:为什么说“浸透式学习”是学习一门新语言最自然的方法?哈利博士说To me, the most natural method of learning a new language is what I call submersion. That is, to go to that country and be surrounded exclusively by speakers of that language. 由此可知,这个方法强调的是语言学习环境,故选A。
7. [答案] C
[考点] 本题考查对访谈中提到的人名的理解
[精析] 题干问:是谁提出的五种假说?哈利博士说Today, I’d like to mention the five hypotheses proposed by Stephen Krashen. 故选C。
8. [答案] B
[考点] 本题考查儿童和成年人学习方式的对比
[精析] 题干问:成年人怎样学习第二语言?哈利博士说children acquire their first language largely unconsciously and automatically,接下来说but adults could only learn a second language consciously and effortfully,故选B。
9. [答案] C
[考点] 本题考查对对话重要细节的理解
[精析] 题干问:哪种假说涉及学习过程中语言知识的角色?哈利博士提到的第三个假说是监控假说,随后他阐述了此假说理论的具体内容。主持人用This means...对哈利博士的话做了更为通俗的概括,指出监控假说就是“在学习过程中,你利用语言知识确保所说的和所写的内容正确”,且哈利博士对此解释给予了肯定。由此可知,监控假说理论涉及学习过程中语言知识的角色,故选C。
10. [答案] B
[考点] 本题考查对话的主要内容
[精析] 题干问:访谈中没有谈论下面哪个话题?哈利博士首先介绍了第二语言习得的定义,然后指出了学习第二语言有困难的三个原因,接着介绍了学习第二语言的五种方法,最后阐述了斯蒂芬·克拉申针对第二语言习得提出的五个假说理论,其中并未提到母语与第二语言的区别,故选B。
specialize in专门研究
syntax n. 句法
idiosyncratic adj. 特殊的
syntactic construction句法结构
immersion n. 沉浸
exclusively adv. 专有地
submersion n. 浸没
fascinating adj. 吸引人的
hypothesis n. 假说
comprehensible adj. 可理解的
filter n. 过滤
framework n. 框架,结构
11. [答案] C
[考点] 本题考查对细节的综合理解
[精析] 文章第一段概括了英国人的生活方式,即他们把家当作自己的城堡,他们常常待在室内,为自己营造一个舒适的安乐窝,这是因为在很多时候,天气甚至都不允许他们外出;第二段首句提到南方的直布罗陀人却渴望到外面去,由“狭小、拥挤的公寓”和“坐在太阳下”等细节均可以推断出英国人和直布罗陀人的生活方式不同,主要是天气原因造成的,故选C。虽然第二段提到了直布罗陀人的家庭结构和饮食习惯,但第一段在介绍英国人的生活方式时并未提及英国人的家庭结构和饮食习惯,故排除A和D。全文一直未提及宗教信仰,故排除B。
12. [答案] A
[考点] 本题出题点在比较关系处
[精析] 文章第五段提到,在地中海沿岸,家仅仅是一个避难所和休息的场所,人们一起生活在户外的大街上和市场里,并指出“在这里,有一种比我们所见过的更为强烈的集体感。”下文作者提到one can see and feel an integrated society“你会看到并感受到一个密不可分的社会”,由此我们能推断出,直布罗陀人有较强的集体归属感,故选A。
13. [答案] B
[考点] 本题考查对细节的综合理解
[精析] 文章最后一段第一句话提到,居住在一个国家机构俱全的小城镇里,本身这就是一堂公民学的强化课程,文中的To live in a tiny town...对应C项,故排除;all the organization of a state, all in miniature, all within arm’s reach均暗示了A项the entirety of the state structure,故排除A;本段第二句话还提到“在这样的环境里,不论是好事还是坏事,没有什么能够被隐藏起来”,说明凡事都是公开透明的,故排除D;第四句话提到“社会意识极其强烈,其结果是会有一种持续且强大的压力促使人们行为端正、彬彬有礼、亲和友善”,而B项说的是“来自于国家的持续压力”,表述与原文不符,故选B。
twilight n. 黄昏
cocoon n. 茧状物
embrace vt. 拥抱
appetitive adj. 有食欲的
lounge n. 休息室
parlour n. 客厅
intolerable adj. 无法忍受的
sideboard n. 餐具柜
inevitable adj. 必然的
chandelier n. 枝形吊灯
proclaim vt. 宣告
hub n. 中心
hearth and home温暖舒适的家
cubicle n. 小隔间
congregate vi. 聚集
impersonally adv. 冷漠地
gregarious adj. 社交的
retreat n. 隐居处;休息寓所
circumscribed adj. 局限的
siege n. 围困;封闭
miniature n. 微型
civics n. 公民学
cynical adj. 愤世嫉俗的
anonymity n. 无名,匿名
luxuriate vi. 尽情享受
personalism n. 人本主义
exile vt. 使背井离乡
14. [答案] B
[考点] 本题考查篇章结构
[精析] 由第一段第一句话可知the unrealized dream of the“paperless”office是high-tech hubris的一个典型例子,第二句话Today’s office drone is drowning in more paper than ever before(与以往相比,如今的办公室职员淹没在更多的纸张里)印证了the unrealized dream of the“paperless”office(“无纸化”办公这一未实现的梦想),所以Today’s office drone is drowning in more paper than ever before印证了high-tech hubris(高科技狂妄自大),故选B。
15. [答案] B
[考点] 本题考查多处细节,需一一定位排查
[精析] 文章第二段第二句话中明确提到“但在过去的两三年里,纸张的销量明显放缓——尽管经济健康发展”,由此可知,美国纸张销量下降并不是因为美国经济增长的速度放缓,故B项不是纸张销量下降的原因;第六段的第二句话中也提到“2004年至2005年间,尽管总体经济发展强劲,但普通的白色办公用纸增长率将不足4%”,再次印证美国纸张销量下降并不是美国经济增长缓慢引起的,故选B。而其他三项在文中均有提及:第六段最后提到“邓恩女士认为这一改变的主要原因是,47%的劳动力在计算机被引入办公室后进入的就业市场”,第七段中提到“我们最终看到了办公场所中员工人均用纸量的减少,更多的信息是以电子形式传递的,并且越来越多的人适应了只有电子版的信息,而不打印多个备份。”由此可知,具有更好电脑技能的劳动力是纸张销量下降的原因之一,故不选A。第九段提到“真正典型的转变可能是纸张使用方式的转变。由于先进而可靠的办公网络系统的出现,数据存储已经摒弃了纸质档案。”由此可知,纸张使用方式的转变也是导致销量下降的原因之一,故不选C。第八段提到“白领员工就业市场的不景气(白领员工是办公用纸消费的主要推动者)也是纸张使用发生转变的原因。”因此,变化的就业趋势也是导致纸张销量下降的原因之一,故不选D。
16. [答案] A
[考点] 本题出题点在举例处(for example)
[精析] 文章第十一段第一句话提到“为了减少纸张的使用,一些公司正致力于将数字和纸张的功能合二为一”,之后就用for example...another idea...的形式举例说明一些公司的具体做法。施乐公司开发的是电子纸,瑞典阿诺托集团的开发创意是智能纸。由此可知,这两家公司技术创新的特征都是将纸张与数字结合起来,故选A。
17. [答案] A
[考点] 本题考查作者的态度
[精析] 文章中作者从多个角度论述了“无纸化”,首先指出无纸办公的梦想虽然没有实现,但是美国纸张销量有下降的趋势;之后解释了纸张销量下降的原因;接着又指出一些公司为减少纸张的使用开发了一些新技术,然而这些技术的创新仍然会与“无纸化”背道而驰。在评论这些观点时,作者引用了很多专家和分析家的观点,而他并没有表明自己的态度,故选A。
drone n. 做苦工者
hype n. 大肆宣传
outstrip vt. 胜过,超过
craving n. 渴望
indulge in沉溺于
pulp n. 纸浆
reside in存在于
multiple adj. 多个的
backup n. 备份
lackluster n. 暗淡的
paradigm n. 范例
advent n. 到来
stylus n. 手写笔
magnetic adj. 有磁性的
crust n. 外壳
18. [答案] C
[考点] 本题考查多处细节,需一一定位排查
[精析] 文章第四段提到,职业曾经是判断一个人所属阶级时最可信的标志,但如今也具有了迷惑性,光凭职业不能明确区分人们所属的阶级,不过文中并未明确表示职业和阶级之间没有了联系,故C项叙述不正确,答案为C;第五段第二句话提到调查公司让从事许多不同工作的人把自己归为工人阶级或中产阶级,由此可知不同行业的人会把自己划分为同一阶级,故B项叙述正确;第八段提到22%的白领会把自己划归为工人阶级,由此推断白领可能把自己划分到不同的阶层,故A项叙述正确;第六段第一句话提到劳动力市场的变化使阶级的界限变得模糊,故D项叙述也正确。
19. [答案] C
[考点] 本题出题点在列举处
[精析] 文章第六段提到,除了劳动力市场的变化之外,还有其他两个因素也使得阶级的界限变得模糊,作者用First...Second...列举出了这两个因素,即移民的涌入和获得声望的门槛降低,故A、B、D都是阶级界限变得模糊的原因,本题应选C。
20. [答案] B
[考点] 本题考查对文章细节的理解
[精析] 文章第八段提到很多英国人仍然愿意把自己归入自己出生时所属的阶级,而不是其职业或收入所暗示的阶级,作者指出这往往需要他们假装自己的身份地位比实际情况更低,之后举出了一个具体的例子,即那些自称属于工人阶级的成年人中,十分之一是最富有的有产者,由此可知成功白领选择将自己归入工人阶级是表示谦逊,故选B。
21. [答案] B
[考点] 本题考查文章主旨
[精析] 第1-2段由奥威尔的观点引出文章讨论的话题——英国人存在阶级地位意识。第3-7段指出划分英国人阶级地位的界限越来越模糊了,第8-9段指出还有部分英国人以自己出生时的阶级地位来划分自己所属的阶级。声称自己是工人阶级的成年人有些十分富有。虽然阶级不再能明确反映人们的社会、经济甚或者政治地位,但它在某些方面仍值得关注。可知文章主要讲述,在英国,阶级意识不再是一个判断事情的可靠标准,但是它依然很重要,故选B。
hierarchy n. 层级,等级制度
perch vi. 栖息;位于
decode vt. 解码
surge vi. 激增
convergence n. 会聚;趋同
civil servant公务员
autonomy n. 自主权
muddle n. 迷惑
notion n. 概念
pyramid n. 金字塔
scramble up攀登
aristocracy n. 贵族
uninhibited adj. 无拘束的
attainment n. 成就
22. [答案] C
[考点] 本题考查修辞手法
[精析] 题干问第一段中的“sweeping over the horizon, a precipice”用的是什么修辞手法?首段末句描写了得州平原上的景物向东延伸,仿佛越过了地平线,而实际上这里的地平线是一个悬崖,这里作者把precipice比喻成了horizon,没有比喻词,故为暗喻,选C。
23. [答案] B
[考点] 本题考查文章的细节
[精析] 文章第九段描述了这辆列车的内部装饰,主要是从这对新婚夫妇的视角出发,从dazzling fittings of the coach, sea-green figured velvet, shining brass, silver等词可以看出车厢内的装饰很豪华,故选B。
24. [答案] A
[考点] 本题考查对文章细节的理解
[精析] 文章第十段提到了其他人对这对新婚夫妇的态度,首先黑人搬运工觉得他们很可笑,不时从远处乐呵呵地打量他们;本段倒数第二句话提到还有一些旅客用轻蔑和嘲弄的眼光瞪他们,从ridiculous, amused, derisive(嘲弄的),enjoyment等词可以看出,火车上其他人都把他们作为取笑的对象,故选A。
whirl vi. 疾驶
dignity n. 高贵
hued adj. 有某种色调的
mesquite n. 豆科灌木
cactus n. 仙人掌
frame house木屋
sweep into神气十足地走进
sweep over飞快地掠过
precipice n. 悬崖
attire n. 服装
furtive adj. 躲躲闪闪的
cashmere n. 羊绒
scrutiny n. 细看
countenance n. 面容,表情
placid adj. 平静的;温和的
contemplate vt. 凝视,注视
bronze adj. 青铜色的
sturdily adv. 结实地
fresco n. 壁画
elation n. 兴高采烈
unconquerable adj. 难以抑制的
snobbery n. 势利
derisive adj. 嘲讽的
amiability n. 可爱
frown n. 皱眉
gleefully adv. 极开心地
sardonic adj. 讽刺的
radiant adj. 光芒四射的
benevolence n. 仁慈
patronage n. 光顾
entwine vt. 使缠绕,交织
deference n. 顺从
25. [答案] The design and decoration of the Gibraltarian home is simple.
[考点] 本题考查对细节信息的综合理解
[精析] 题干问:从对直布罗陀人的房间的描述中我们可以了解到什么?文章第三段介绍了直布罗陀人的房屋结构,从no sitting-room, living-room or lounge, easy-chairs, sofas and such-like furniture are unknown和no bookshelves等描述中可以看出直布罗陀人的房间布置比较简单,后文还指出他们聊天、喝茶、吃饭都围绕餐桌进行,而吊灯是家的中心,从这些信息都可以看出直布罗陀人的房间布置特点——简单。
26. [答案] English working-class homes have spacious sitting-rooms.
[考点] 本题考查对语义的理解
[精析] 题干问:第三段斜体字部分暗示了什么?作者说这句话是为了将英国人的房屋结构与直布罗陀人的房屋结构做对比,该句意为“我们这些工薪阶层家里的客厅在直布罗陀人看来简直是一种让人无法容忍的空间浪费”,作者由此间接指出英国工薪阶层的家里都有宽敞的客厅。
27. [答案] Digital inventions bring greater paper use and more travel.
[考点] 本题考查对语段的理解
[精析] 题干问:作者在最后一段引用“这就是信息时代巨大的讽刺之一”是什么意思?这句话出现在第十六段,引自萨佛所说的话。从上一段中的观点digital innovations have increased paper consumption和video conferencing—with its promise of fewer in-person meetings—boosting business travel可以看出本句中的that指代的是digital innovations have increased paper consumption和video conferencing boosting business travel。
28. [答案] Because Britons are still conscious of their class status.
[考点] 本题出题点在转折关系处(But)
[精析] 题干问:文章第二段中,为什么作者说“奥威尔是正确的,而且时至今天仍然正确”?文章第一段中指出奥威尔认为英国是“世界上阶级意识最严重的国家”,接着又指出他只说对了一部分。在第二段,作者指出,与印度相比英国的阶级意识似乎并不算根深蒂固,但话锋一转指出,但从另一方面来说,奥威尔是正确的,而且时至今天仍然正确。接着解释其原因,即英国人对阶级出奇地警觉,也就是说英国人对阶级地位仍然很在意。
29. [答案] Class can not be defined only by money.
[考点] 本题考查对语义的理解
[精析] 题干问:作者说“阶级所涵盖的内容仍不只是财富那么简单”意思是什么?由这句话中的The fact that income comes fourth is revealing(收入排在第四位的事实发人深省)可以看出,在判断阶级地位的标志中,收入虽重要但不是那么重要,因此可以推知,此处是说阶级不能仅仅以财富定义。
30. [答案] They had a sense of awkwardness.
[考点] 本题考查对细节信息的理解
[精析] 题干问:从对这对新婚夫妇的穿着和行为的描述中,我们可以了解到什么?文章第二段和第三段描述了这对新婚夫妇的穿着和行为,从furtive and shy(躲躲闪闪的和害羞的)和stiff(僵直的)等词能看出他们很不自然;第三段第四句话明确提到They embarrassed her,这里的they指代的就是上文提到的两人的穿着和外貌形象,由此可知这对新婚夫妇感到很尴尬。
31. [答案] The bride had never eaten in a restaurant before.
[考点] 本题考查根据文章信息进行推断的能力
[精析] 题干问:作者说“她希望能老实本分地煮饭做菜”是什么意思?通过第三段对新娘穿着和行为的描写,以及下文中她对一美元套餐价格的反应,可以推断出新娘以前没有在餐厅里吃过饭。
32. [答案] The couple felt ill at ease in the dining-car.
[考点] 本题出题点在文章结尾处
[精析] 题干问:从最后一段中我们可以得出什么结论?最后一段故事发生在餐车,且最后一句话提到,当这对夫妇从餐车回到车厢时,面带一种解脱了的神情,由此可知这对夫妇在餐车的时候很不自在。
1. [答案] 在grew后加up
[考点] 本题考查固定搭配
[精析] grow强调“长”的过程,意为“成长,发育”,而grow up强调“长”的结果,意为“长大”,此处要表达的是“长大”,故应为grow up。
2. [答案] conscience→consciousness
[考点] 本题考查词义辨析
[精析] 此处要表达的是“……我尝试放弃这种想法,但是我这么做时仍意识到这违背了我的本性……”。conscience意为“良知,良心”,而consciousness才意为“意识,知觉,觉悟”。with the consciousness that意为“意识到”。
3. [答案] soon→sooner
[考点] 本题考查固定搭配
[精析] sooner or later为固定搭配,意为“迟早”。
4. [答案] 在the后加middle
[考点] 本题考查对语义的理解
[精析] 根据下文可知,作者是三个孩子中的老二,因此用middle修饰child,此句意为“我是三个孩子中的老二,老大和老三分别与我相隔五岁”。
5. [答案] disagreeing→disagreeable
[考点] 本题考查词义辨析
[精析] 此处的mannerism意为“言谈举止”,disagreeing是disagree的现在分词,不能用来修饰mannerism,而disagreeable意为“难相处的;脾气坏的”,可以用来修饰mannerism。
6. [答案] imaginative→imaginary
[考点] 本题考查词义辨析
[精析] imaginative表示“(人)富有想象力的;有创造力的”。根据上下文,此处意为“我养成了孤僻小孩子惯有的习惯:编造故事和想象中的人交谈”,故将imaginative改为imaginary,意为“想象中的;虚构的;幻想的”。
7. [答案] literal→literary
[考点] 本题考查词义辨析
[精析] literal意为“文字的;字面上的”,而根据上下文,此处要表达的是“我的文学抱负”,故将literal改为literary,意为“文学的”。
8. [答案] 去掉in
[考点] 本题考查动词用法
[精析] face用作及物动词,表示“面对”,后面可以直接跟名词。
9. [答案] which前加in或which→where
[考点] 本题考查定语从句连接词
[精析] 此处要表达的是“我感觉这样就创造了一个私人世界,在那里我可以为我在日常生活中的挫败找到支持”,此处要用关系副词where或in which来引导定语从句,修饰先行词a sort of private world。
10. [答案] Therefore→Nevertheless
[考点] 本题考查逻辑关系
[精析] 上文提到“我感觉这样就创造了一个私人世界,在那里我可以为我在日常生活中的挫败找到支持”。后文提到“在我整个童年和少年时代创作的严肃作品都不到六页”,前后为转折关系,而非因果关系。
Being busy and at leisure are two quite distinct lifestyles. But in the real world, people have to frequently shuttle between these two lifestyles, sometimes not sure whether they are“at leisure”or“in a rush”. For example, we are enjoying our holidays in the resort when suddenly we receive phone calls from the boss who tells us there are some troubles with our clients or work—at this moment the modern, convenient and advanced devices show their vicious and gloomy features.
1. 匆忙:这里“匆忙”表示一种状态,故用形容词表示,busy意为“匆忙的;繁忙的”,表达相同含义的还有be in a rush,be in a haste或be in a hurry,为避免在文章中重复可使用多种表达方式。
2. 在现实生活中:可译作in the real world,也可译作in the real life。
3. 在……间频繁穿梭:可译作frequently shuttle between...。shuttle意为“穿梭般往返移动”。
4. 说不清:这里“说不清”并不是表示“解释不清楚”,而是表示“不确定,不明确”,故可译为not sure。
5. 在旅游胜地享受假期:“旅游胜地”可译为tourist attraction或tourist resort,也可直接用resort表示,享受可用enjoy表示。
6. 接到老板的电话,告诉我们……:“接到某人的电话”可译为receive phone calls from sb.。为使句子结构更紧凑,故可将“告诉我们……”翻译为用who引导的定语从句。
7. 便捷先进工具:译为convenient and advanced devices,device意为“装置,设备”。
8. 狰狞:可理解为“不友善的,邪恶的”,故译为vicious,也可译为malicious或evil。
Charge Higher Fees During Peak Travel Seasons?
①It is not uncommon in China that the price of entry fees at tourist sites will be raised during peak travel seasons. Although some regard this practice reasonable when considering the economic benefits and construction of public facilities at tourist sites brought by higher ticket prices, most of people think that the ticket price in scenic spots is really beyond their purchasing power. As for me, I don’t think it is a good idea to raise prices during peak seasons.
②If someone suggests that raising prices during peak seasons will bring in more money to help maintain and protect the sites, logically we must point out that peak seasons already bring in more money for the sites without raising prices. The reality is that limiting the number of tourists is a much more effective way to protect the site than charging more money. An example of this is Hong Kong Disneyland. Built on a relatively small island, yet also in the world’s most densely populated area, Disneyland would be overrun with tourists and unable to be kept clean and safe if the managers did not limit the number of tickets sold each day. By limiting the tickets, they ensure that only a certain number of tourists will enter the park on any day.
③If the purpose of the price hike is simply to make money, then this idea violates principles of economics. In order to make the most money, we should adjust the price until the market reaches equilibrium, which is, people who wants to visit the tourist sites are all admitted at the price that they are satisfied. For example, when the supply of and the demand for entry tickets matches, the profit generated by the visits will be maximized. Therefore, if the sites simply raise fees to collect more money, they will probably receive fewer visitors than before while the price rise can’t compensate the reduction in the number of visitors, resulting in less profit. In a word, to raise the price will possibly lead to lose money, let alone make more money.
④Whether we look at this question environmentally or economically, raising the price of tourist attractions during peak seasons is illogical. There are better ways both to protect the tourist destinations and to make money. Hopefully the site managers will have the good sense to do what is best for both preserving historical relics and also managing the sites.
logically adv. 逻辑上
densely adv. 稠密地,密集地
overrun vt. 超出限度
price hike价格上涨
violate vt. 违背,违反
equilibrium n. 平衡;均衡
generate vt. 产生
maximize vt. 最大化
compensate vt. 弥补;补偿
let alone更不用说
economically adv. 在经济上
historical relic文物