Her soul is sweet as the ocean air, For prudery knows no haven there;To find mock-modesty, please apply To the conscious blush and the downcast eye.
Rich in the things contentment brings, In every pure enjoyment wealthy, Blithe and beautiful bird she sings, For body and mind are hale and healthy.
Her eyes they thrill with right goodwill--Her heart is light as a floating feather--As pure and bright as the mountain rill That leaps and laughs in the Highland heather!
Go search the world, etc.
Nek.: Then I may sing and play?
Lord D.:You may!
Kal.: Then I may laugh and shout?
Gold.: No doubt!.
Nek.: These maxims you endorse?
Lord D.:Of course!
Kal.: You won't exclaim "Oh fie!"Gold.: Not I!
Gold: Whatever you are--be that:
Whatever you say--be true:
Straightforwardly act--
Be honest--in fact, Be nobody else but you.
Lord D.: Give every answer pat--
Your character true unfurl;
And when it is ripe, You'll then be a type Of a capital English girl.
All.: Oh sweet surprise--oh, dear delight, To find it undisputed quite, All musty, fusty rules despite That Art is wrong and Nature right!
Nek.: When happy I, With laughter glad I'll wake the echoes fairly, And only sigh When I am sad--And that will be but rarely!
Kal.: I'll row and fish, And gallop, soon--No longer be a prim one--And when I wish To hum a tune, It needn't be a hymn one?
Gold and Lord D.: No, no!
It needn't be a hymn one!
All (dancing): Oh, sweet surprise and dear delight To find it undisputed quite--All musty, fusty rules despite--That Art is wrong and Nature right!
(Dance, and off)
(Enter Lady Sophy)
RECITATIVE -- Lady Sophy.
Oh, would some demon power the gift impart To quell my over-conscientious heart--Unspeak the oaths that never had been spoken, And break the vows that never should be broken!
SONG -- Lady SophyWhen but a maid of fifteen year, Unsought--unplighted--Short petticoated--and, I fear, Still shorter-sighted--I made a vow, one early spring, That only to some spotless King Who proof of blameless life could bring I'd be united.
For I had read, not long before, Of blameless kings in fairy lore, And thought the race still flourished here--Well, well--I was a maid of fifteen year!
(The King enters and overhears this verse)Each morning I pursued my game (An early riser);For spotless monarchs I became An advertiser:
But all in vain I searched each land, So, kingless, to my native strand Returned, a little older, and A good deal wiser!
I learnt that spotless King and Prince Have disappeared some ages since--Even Paramount's angelic grace--Ah me!--
Is but a mask on Nature's face!
(King comes forward)
King: Ah, Lady Sophy--then you love me!
For so you sing--
Lady S.: (Indignant and surprise.Producing "Palace Peeper")No, by the stars that shine above me, Degraded King!
For while these rumours, through the city bruited, Remain uncontradicted, unrefuted, The object thou of my aversion rooted, Repulsive thing!
King: Be just--the time is now at hand When truth may published be.
These paragraphs were written and Contributed by me!
Lady S.: By you? No, no!
King: Yes, yes.I swear, by me!
I, caught in Scaphio's ruthless toil, Contributed the lot!
Lady S.: That that is why you did not boil The author on the spot!
King: And that is why I did not boil The author on the spot!
Lady S.: I couldn't think why you did not boil!
King: But I know why I did not boil The author on the spot!
DUET -- Lady Sophy and KingLady S.: Oh, the rapture unrestrained Of a candid retractation!
For my sovereign has deigned A convincing explanation--And the clouds that gathered o'er All have vanished in the distance, And the Kings of fairy lore One, at least, is in existence!
King: Oh, the skies are blue above, And the earth is red and rosal, Now the lady of my love Has accepted my proposal!
For that asinorum pons I have crossed without assistance, And of prudish paragons One, at least, is in existence!
(King and Lady Sophy dance gracefully.While this is going on Lord Dramaleigh enters unobserved with Nekaya and Capt.
Fitzbattleaxe.The two girls direct Zara's attention to the King and Lady Sophy, who are still dancing affectionately together.At this point the King kisses Lady Sophy, which causes the Princesses to make an exclamation.The King and Lady Sophy are at first much confused at being detected, but eventually throw off all reserve, and the four couples break into a wild Tarantella, and at the end exeunt severally.)Enter all the male Chorus, in great excitement, for various entrances, led by Scaphio, Phantis, and Tarara, and followed by the female Chorus.
Upon our sea-girt land At our enforced command Reform has laid her hand Like some remorseless ogress--And made us darkly rue The deeds she dared to do--And all is owing to Those hated Flowers of Progress!
So down with them!
So down with them!
Reform's a hated ogress.
So down with them!
So down with them!
Down with the Flowers of Progress!
(Flourish.Enter King, his three daughters, Lady Sophy, and the Flowers of Progress.)King: What means this most unmannerly irruption?
Is this your gratitude for boons conferred?
Scaphio: Boons? Bah! A fico for such boons, say we!
These boons have brought Utopia to a standstill!
Our pride and boast--the Army and the Navy--Have both been reconstructed and remodeled Upon so irresistible a basis That all the neighboring nations have disarmed--And War's impossible! Your County Councillor Has passed such drastic Sanitary laws That all doctors dwindle, starve, and die!
The laws, remodeled by Sir Bailey Barre, Have quite extinguished crime and litigation:
The lawyers starve, and all the jails are let As model lodgings for the working-classes!
In short--Utopia, swamped by dull Prosperity, Demands that these detested Flowers of Progress Be sent about their business, and affairs Restored to their original complexion!
King: (to Zara) My daughter, this is a very unpleasant state of things.What is to be done?
Zara: I don't know--I don't understand it.We must have omitted something.