第57章 Part 6(1)
Now when Emmanuel perceived that through the policy of Mr.
Carnal-Security the hearts of the men of Mansoul were chilled and abated in their practical love to him, First. He bemoans them, and, condoles their state with the Secretary, saying, 'Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and that Mansoul had walked in my ways! I would have fed them with the finest of the wheat; and with honey out of the rock would I have sustained them.' This done, he said in his heart, 'I will return to the court, and go to my place, till Mansoul shall consider and acknowledge their offence.' And he did so, and the cause and manner of his going away from them was, that Mansoul declined him, as is manifest in these particulars.
'1. They left off their former way of visiting him, they came not to his royal palace as afore.
'2. They did not regard, nor yet take notice, that he came or came not to visit them.
'3. The love-feasts that had wont to be between their Prince and them, though he made them still, and called them to them, yet they neglected to come to them, or to be delighted with them.
'4. They waited not for his counsels, but began to be headstrong and confident in themselves, concluding that now they were strong and invincible, and that Mansoul was secure, and beyond all reach of the foe, and that her state must needs be unalterable for ever.'
Now, as was said, Emmanuel perceiving that by the craft of Mr. Carnal-Security, the town of Mansoul was taken off from their dependence upon him, and upon his Father by him, and set upon what by them was bestowed upon it; he first, as Isaid, bemoaned their state, then he used means to make them understand that the way that they went on in was dangerous: for he sent my Lord High Secretary to them, to forbid them such ways; but twice when he came to them, he found them at dinner in Mr. Carnal-Security's parlour; and perceiving also that they were not willing to reason about matters concerning their good, he took grief and went his way; the which when he had told to the Prince Emmanuel, he took offence, and was grieved also, and so made provision to return to his Father's court.
Now, the methods of his withdrawing, as I was saying before, were thus:-'1. Even while he was yet with them in Mansoul, he kept himself close, and more retired than formerly.
'2. His speech was not now, if he came in their company, so pleasant and familiar as formerly.
'3. Nor did he, as in times past, send to Mansoul, from his table, those dainty bits which he was wont to do.
'4. Nor when they came to visit him, as now and then they would, would he be so easily spoken with as they found him to be in times past. They might now knock once, yea, twice, but he would seem not at all to regard them; whereas formerly at the sound of their feet he would up and run, and meet them halfway, and take them too, and lay them in his bosom.'
But thus Emmanuel carried it now, and by this his carriage he sought to make them bethink themselves, and return to him.
But, alas! they did not consider, they did not know his ways, they regarded not, they were not touched with these, nor with the true remembrance of former favours. Wherefore what does he but in private manner withdraw himself, first from his palace, then to the gate of the town, and so away from Mansoul he goes, till they should acknowledge their offence, and more earnestly seek his face. Mr. God's-Peace also laid down his commission, and would for the present act no longer in the town of Mansoul.
Thus they walked contrary to him, and he again, by way of retaliation, walked contrary to them. But, alas! by this time they were so hardened in their way, and had so drunk in the doctrine of Mr. Carnal-Security, that the departing of their Prince touched them not, nor was he remembered by them when gone; and so, of consequence, his absence not condoled by them.
Now, there was a day wherein this old gentleman, Mr. Carnal-Security, did again make a feast for the town of Mansoul; and there was at that time in the town one Mr. Godly-Fear, one now but little set by, though formerly one of great request.
This man, old Carnal-Security, had a mind, if possible, to gull, and debauch, and abuse, as he did the rest, and therefore he now bids him to the feast with his neighbours.
So the day being come, they prepare, and he goes and appears with the rest of the guests; and being all set at the table, they did eat and drink, and were merry, even all but this one man: for Mr. Godly-Fear sat like a stranger, and did neither eat nor was merry. The which, when Mr. Carnal-Security perceived, he presently addressed himself in a speech thus to him:-'Mr. Godly-Fear, are you not well? You seem to be ill of body or mind, or both. I have a cordial of Mr. Forget-Good's making, the which, sir, if you will take a dram of, I hope it may make you bonny and blithe, and so make you more fit for us, feasting companions.'
Unto whom the good old gentleman discreetly replied, 'Sir, Ithank you for all things courteous and civil; but for your cordial I have no list thereto. But a word to the natives of Mansoul: You, the elders and chief of Mansoul, to me it is strange to see you so jocund and merry, when the town of Mansoul is in such woeful case.'
Then said Mr. Carnal-Security, 'You want sleep, good air, Idoubt. If you please, lie down, and take a nap, and we meanwhile will be merry.'
Then said the good man as follows: 'Sir, if you were not destitute of an honest heart, you could not do as you have done and do.'
Then said Mr. Carnal-Security, 'Why?'
GODLY. Nay, pray interrupt me not. It is true the town of Mansoul was strong, and, with a PROVISO, impregnable; but you, the townsmen, have weakened it, and it now lies obnoxious to its foes. Nor is it a time to flatter, or be silent; it is you, Mr. Carnal-Security, that have wilily stripped Mansoul, and driven her glory from her; you have pulled down her towers, you have broken down her gates, you have spoiled her locks and bars.