第80章 The Bird of Truth(1)
Once upon a time there lived a poor fisher who built a hut on the banks of a stream which, shunning the glare of the sun and the noise of the towns, flowed quietly past trees and under bushes, listening to the songs of the birds overhead.
One day, when the fisherman had gone out as usual to cast his nets, he saw borne towards him on the current a cradle of crystal.Slipping his net quickly beneath it he drew it out and lifted the silk coverlet.
Inside, lying on a soft bed of cotton, were two babies, a boy and a girl, who opened their eyes and smiled at him.The man was filled with pity at the sight, and throwing down his lines he took the cradle and the babies home to his wife.
The good woman flung up her hands in despair when she beheld the contents of the cradle.
'Are not eight children enough,' she cried, 'without bringing us two more? How do you think we can feed them?'
'You would not have had me leave them to die of hunger,' answered he, 'or be swallowed up by the waves of the sea? What is enough for eight is also enough for ten.'
The wife said no more; and in truth her heart yearned over the little creatures.Somehow or other food was never lacking in the hut, and the children grew up and were so good and gentle that, in time, their foster-parents loved them as well or better than their own, who were quarrelsome and envious.It did not take the orphans long to notice that the boys did not like them, and were always playing tricks on them, so they used to go away by themselves and spend whole hours by the banks of the river.Here they would take out the bits of bread they had saved from their breakfasts and crumble them for the birds.
In return, the birds taught them many things: how to get up early in the morning, how to sing, and how to talk their language, which very few people know.
But though the little orphans did their best to avoid quarrelling with their foster- brothers, it was very difficult always to keep the peace.
Matters got worse and worse till, one morning, the eldest boy said to the twins:
'It is all very well for you to pretend that you have such good manners, and are so much better than we, but we have at least a father and mother, while you have only got the river, like the toads and the frogs.'
The poor children did not answer the insult; but it made them very unhappy.And they told each other in whispers that they could not stay there any longer, but must go into the world and seek their fortunes.
So next day they arose as early as the birds and stole downstairs without anybody hearing them.One window was open, and they crept softly out and ran to the side of the river.Then, feeling as if they had found a friend, they walked along its banks, hoping that by- and-by they should meet some one to take care of them.
The whole of that day they went steadily on without seeing a living creature, till, in the evening, weary and footsore, they saw before them a small hut.This raised their spirits for a moment; but the door was shut, and the hut seemed empty, and so great was their disappointment that they almost cried.However, the boy fought down his tears, and said cheerfully:
'Well, at any rate here is a bench where we can sit down, and when we are rested we will think what is best to do next.'
Then they sat down, and for some time they were too tired even to notice anything; but by-and-by they saw that under the tiles of the roof a number of swallows were sitting, chattering merrily to each other.Of course the swallows had no idea that the children understood their language, or they would not have talked so freely; but, as it was, they said whatever came into their heads.
'Good evening, my fine city madam,' remarked a swallow, whose manners were rather rough and countryfied to another who looked particularly distinguished.'Happy, indeed, are the eyes that behold you! Only think of your having returned to your long-forgotten country friends, after you have lived for years in a palace!'
'I have inherited this nest from my parents,' replied the other, 'and as they left it to me I certainly shall make it my home.But,' she added politely, 'I hope that you and all your family are well?'
'Very well indeed, I am glad to say.But my poor daughter had, a short time ago, such bad inflammation in her eyes that she would have gone blind had I not been able to find the magic herb, which cured her at once.'
'And how is the nightingale singing? Does the lark soar as high as ever? And does the linnet dress herself as smartly?' But here the country swallow drew herself up.
'I never talk gossip,' she said severely.'Our people, who were once so innocent and well-behaved, have been corrupted by the bad examples of men.It is a thousand pities.'
'What! innocence and good behaviour are not to be met with among birds, nor in the country! My dear friend, what are you saying?'
'The truth and nothing more.Imagine, when we returned here, we met some linnets who, just as the spring and the flowers and the long days had come, were setting out for the north and the cold? Out of pure compassion we tried to persuade them to give up this folly; but they only replied with the utmost insolence.'
'How shocking!' exclaimed the city swallow.
'Yes, it was.And worse than that, the crested lark, that was formerly so timid and shy, is now no better than a thief, and steals maize and corn whenever she can find them.'
'I am astonished at what you say.'
'You will be more astonished when I tell you that on my arrival here for the summer I found my nest occupied by a shameless sparrow! "This is my nest," I said."Yours?" he answered, with a rude laugh."Yes, mine; my ancestors were born here, and my sons will be born here also."And at that my husband set upon him and threw him out of the nest.Iam sure nothing of this sort ever happens in a town.'
'Not exactly, perhaps.But I have seen a great deal--if you only knew!'
'Oh! do tell us! do tell us!' cried they all.And when they had settled themselves comfortably, the city swallow began: