It is now indisputable that the theory of free sparring training lags behind its practice.In light of the long-term investigation on the practice of free sparring training,many excellent coaches have already mastered some successful experiences of cultivating high-level athletes,but due to the constraints of both the subjective and objectives factors,those valuable experiences have not been refined into training theories,and for which the scope of its training practice can not be widened and its scientific process can not be improved.Therefore,it is immediate and essential to bring together those strands of valuable experiences,systematically sum them up,and make them converted into special training theories.
Based on the research methods of literature review,experts’interview,questionnaire,data statistics and logical analysis,this thesis explores the training features of the different developing phases of the excellent free spar-ring athletes.It is hoped that on the basis of the related theories,the careful and deep research,and the systematic induction of those successful training experiences,this thesis can enrich the theoretical system of free sparring special training and conversely make the theories serve its training practice better,which may contribute to improving our free sparring training and making it more scientific.The major findings of this research are presented as follows.
Firstly,the excellent free sparring athletes in different developing phases obviously have periodical features,and those features are both different and related to each other,constructing a training system.In the training process,we are supposed to take the specialties lying in different phases into consideration,appropriately design specific training objectives and tasks,and take related training measures.Meanwhile,we can not break the integrity of the athletes’developing process,and all the training objectives,tasks and the related training measures must be obligated to help the athletes arrive at their highest level at proper age and finally achieve good results.
Secondly,based on the training adaptation theory,this thesis points out that in the process of cultivating excellent free sparring athletes,to timely and properly stimulate the athletes’body can make them continuously function as positive response and thus effectively improve their competitive ability step by step.
Thirdly,the special features of free sparring are the most important basis to cultivate excellent athletes.Free sparring specialty mainly has the follow-ing features:unique form of competitive arena;short time of tridimensional offense and defense,high-intensity and intermittent variable sport;techniques presenting the features of complexity,openness,practicability,disorder and antagonism;tactics focusing on flexibility and skills;defining the competition according to the athletes’weight,etc.In the training process,we are supposed to closely combine the special features of free sparring with training.
Fourthly,the developing process of the excellent free sparring athletes can be divided into four phases as basic training,specialty improvement,best competitive,and competitive remaining.Different phases have their distinctive features:basic training phase:13.54years(SD=1.74years)~16.53years(SD =1.85years),specialty improvement phase:17.1 3years (SD =1.70years)~20.05years(SD =2.30years),best competitive phase:20.63years(SD =2.1 3years)~24.20years(SD =2.09years),and remain competitive phase:24.3years(SD =2.2years)~27.8years (SD=2.8years).The training means and methods adopted in different pha-ses should conform to the athletes’biological features in different ages.
Fifthly,the features of the athletes in basic training phase are diversifi-cation of the training system;emphasis on kicking,wrestling,stroking and training of combining techniques;strengthening fully physical training;and paying attention to matching opponents,etc.
Sixthly,the features of the excellent athletes in specialty improvement phase are guiding according to circumstances;cultivating specialties;fully mastering tactical forms and promoting the integration of techniques and tac-tics;highlighting the training of speed,endurance and strength;focusing on the development of volitional quality,responsiveness,anxiety adaptability and ability to think.
Seventhly,the features of the excellent athletes in the best training com-petitive phase are linking closely to the dominant factor of victory and high-lighting the target training;promoting the practice by contest,combining the competition and exercise,enhancing the participating ability;highlighting the specialty training and forming the winning trick;emphasizing the system-atic preparation and striving to create success.
Lastly,the features of the excellent athletes in the remain competitive phase are maintaining the special physical fitness to fully exert the athletes’ experience;making effective incentive to keep psychological stability;strengthening the function monitoring to control training load and making a properly return to work;laying“score”as the center and reinforcing the tech-nological innovation;paying attention to the physical contro.